Project-Based Intercultural Collaborative Learning for Social Responsibility: The Ukrainian-Slovenian Experience

Project-Based Intercultural Collaborative Learning for Social Responsibility: The Ukrainian-Slovenian Experience

Pavlo Brin, Nataliia Krasnokutska, Gregor Polančič, Katja Kous
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2708-5.ch024
(Individual Chapters)
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The purpose of the chapter is to study the history of collaborative learning, its personal and social benefits for all participants, basic tools and to share the experiences in the area of project-based collaborative learning. Additional positive characteristics of intercultural interaction in the process of collaborative learning are also described in the chapter. As a successful example of project-based intercultural collaborative learning, the authors analyze the learning outcomes of an interdisciplinary educational project being run at NTU KhPI and the University of Maribor. The obtained results show that dealing with a set of common tasks Ukrainian and Slovenian undergraduate students have wider opportunities to use various forms of interaction during the learning process.
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Nowadays, the theoretical and methodological base of innovation in education is the subject of research by many scientists, who are looking for appropriate instruments and approaches to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. Nicholls (2018) analyzed the best innovative educational practices, revealed the main functions of innovative education and used the contingency approach to managing educational innovations. Tarman (2016) proposed innovative educational approaches to bring dynamism to education or increase the quality of education. Sandholtz (1997) analyzed the ways of meeting students’ needs in the learning process. Altbach, Reisberg, & Rumbley, L. E. (2019) described the main trends in global higher education. Clark, Dyson, Skidmore & Millward (1997) dealt with one of the main challenges faced by education today - how to adapt the teaching process in order to suit learners with special needs; they analyzed these challenges and worked out the innovative responses to them. Atkin & Black (2005) stated that the positive impact of innovations in science, math and technology (SMT) should be used in educational curriculums; they also described the best practices in SMT education.

Noddings (2018) analyzes the current state of educational philosophy in relation to teaching, learning, research, and educational policy. Spring (2017) focuses on the American educational system, its historical, political, social, and legal foundations; he describes innovations in education through multicultural aspects (immigrant education, discussion of education proposals to accommodate the languages, cultures and religions of newly arrived immigrants) and meeting the needs of transgender students. Banks & Banks (2019) consider the innovations in educational system that support the learning process for students with racial, cultural, linguistic and religious differences.

Biesta (2015) describes “strong” perceptions, approaches and practices of education, and explains its risk and weaknesses through seven educational pillars: creativity, communication, teaching, learning, emancipation, democracy, and virtuosity. He links a “weak” education with risk aversion and poor practice and refers to “strong” education which is associated with the production of well-defined learning outcomes.

Buckingham (2013) examines recent changes in media education; he provides an accessible set of principles on which the media curriculum should be based, the modern media pedagogic instruments with a clear instruction how to use it. Marris (2018) interviews 400 respondents and concentrates upon the main students’ objectives and expectations for entering higher education.

Hargreaves (2017) analyses educational innovations in connections with interpersonal relations; he develops a framework for the study of relations between teachers and pupils and discusses the basic ways of social interaction; he also examines the distinctive perspectives of teachers and pupils on their interrelationships.

Coleman, Hoffer & Kilgore (1982) explore the educational innovations connected with the increasing of students’ achievement during the learning process. Michalos (2017) provides the theory that educational process must bring happiness not only regards to its results, but regards to its nature (like an intrinsic reward in modern motivational theories).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Binomal: A set of two or more subjects in different universities which have at least one common task.

Intercultural Interaction: The communication between different cultural teams engaged in common educational process.

Internationalization at Home: The process of international cooperation of learners during the learning process without leaving the home country.

Project-Based Learning: The educational approach which leads learners to solving a real-life problem.

Educational Project: The activity to create a particularly unique value for participants of educational process over a period of time.

Social Responsibility: The ethical concept that requires all stakeholders to act towards welfare of society.

E-Learning 2.0: The educational technique which means collaborative learning of people situated in different places connected by Web 2.0 instruments.

Collaborative Learning: The educational approach to common learning that requires responsibility and common efforts from all participants and leads to shared values for them.

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