Quality Evaluation and Workflows in Transcreation: A Social Study

Quality Evaluation and Workflows in Transcreation: A Social Study

Oliver Carreira
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6799-9.ch010
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This chapter is oriented to provide some knowledge about two areas in transcreation that have not been thoroughly researched in this field: workflows and transcreation. For this purpose, a social methodology is proposed. By interviewing a group of four professional transcreators, it is expected to obtain more information on these two areas. Taking into account the results obtained in these interviews, a general workflow diagram is proposed. Likewise, a general quality assessment model is suggested for transcreation. Due to the nature and limitations of this proposal, the representativity of these items should be considered as limited, though it offers a good starting point for further research.
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At the beginning of the 21st century, transcreation, a modality of interlinguistic creative adaptation, was an obscure term with a fuzzy meaning, only known to a small group of practitioners in a niche market. Since then, it has grown to become one of the most active trends in the language services industry.

As a consequence of the development of this phenomenon, a growing number of research initiatives is filling the gap on what we know about transcreation. However, there are still several fields where available knowledge is limited. This proposal tries to shed some light in two key areas that have been scarcely researched: transcreation workflows and quality in transcreation.

For this purpose, first of all, a theoretical approach is provided on the practice. Then, the methodology followed is described (a social study where a group of four transcreators has been interviewed) and the expected objectives to be achieved. Finally, in the conclusion section, a general diagram for transcreation workflows and a quality model are proposed, both based on the results obtained. To close the chapter, several future lines of research are described.

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