Recruiting, Selecting and Motivating Human Resources: Methodological Analysis and Case Studies Applications

Recruiting, Selecting and Motivating Human Resources: Methodological Analysis and Case Studies Applications

Konstantinos C. Zapounidis, Glykeria Kalfakakou
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1601-1.ch062
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This paper’s aim is to analyse practices adapted by different enterprises regarding personnel motivation and human resources approaches to increase their productivity and profitability while examining the methodology of human resources recruitment and selection used by different kinds of enterprises, which cannot exist without human manpower. The objective of this paper is to analyse methods and tools used by several enterprises in motivation and in human resources recruitment and selection. Regarding motivation, the basic aim of the process adapted was to define whether each enterprise was closer to the participating or to directive management model. Especially in the recruiting and selecting process IT could add important value since adapted IT processes could lead to quicker and more successful transparent results. IT professionals could organise these processes for every enterprise in order to become standard, formulated, and even more accredited procedures which would lead to successful recruiting and selecting results.
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The environment in which enterprises are operating is extremely competitive and in order to survive, they have to react to the new circumstances, including globalisation, new technologies, innovation and collapse of economic barriers. Moreover, low productivity is a common problem faced by an increasing number of organisations world-wide. When in an enterprise the productivity is not managing to keep up pace with the increasing work cost, then effectiveness, but also the existence of the enterprise, is under important threat.

Requirement for each enterprise is competitiveness, productivity, quality and finally efficiency. The objective of this paper is to analyse methods and tools used by several enterprises in human resources recruitment and selection, taking into consideration the aforementioned requirements (Vaxevanidou, 2008; Chitiris, 2001) and, moreover, to examine motivation methods used by them.

For this scope important is the role that the human resources recruited provides. The human resources, in the field of organisations and enterprises or the human capital, in the field of society in general, are considered as basic pivot of development and whilst up to now they were defined inductively, a tense is presented to be assessed in knowledge (new and dissemination of existing) and skills (education and training).

Human resources are the only factor that could activate and develop all the production elements, in order an enterprise to operate and successfully accomplish all its objectives. Great and successful enterprises are formed by human capital, whilst enterprises fail or are low efficient, as employers could not or are not willing to participate in the objectives’ accomplishment.

Machinery, computers, installations and the rest factors of production, do not think, learn, try and of course do not set objectives in order to decide what and how to perform. Furthermore they are not motivated, they do not act collectively and they do not have expectations and needs to de fulfilled. All these characterise the human nature and action (Chitiris, 2001).

The quality of Human Resources is characterized, without any doubt, first priority for a “competitive economy” and for balanced social development. This recognition is depicted in operational level, through the quest and adaptation of methods used for investment’s value assessment and for education and training of production mechanisms.

Regarding motivation, the question that derives is what the reasons of low productivity are. A number of executives are pointing as reason for low productivity the decrease of personal motives and the minimisation of “will to work”. Moreover, the decline of devotion to the organisation in correlation with weakening of their commitment to the ethical laws for work is another important factor. The aforementioned explanation has been challenged repetitively by experts on human resources management, based on an important number of results. According to these results, it is proved that, as a rule, an individual human being “wants” to work, “wants” to be productive and to contribute to the organisation’s development. Supporters of the so called “motivation school” support that if the productivity of employees is inadequate, management has not succeeded to apply in a right way the conclusions of the modern science related to work environment attitudes. Rivals as the aforementioned lead to the conclusion that it is difficult to define what the “real” answer for low productivity is. To succeed a common accepted answer, a number of parameters should be taken into account as the possibility that motivation experts and academics could be wrong and the option that individuals are not willing to work or are obliged to work and for this reason do not perform in an efficient way.

It is easily perceptible how important Human Resources Management is when it is applied in the right way, in order an enterprise to acquire, preserve and develop capable employers, who will execute their role efficiently and successfully. Indicatively actions that Human Resources Management includes are (Chitiris,2001):

  • Planning of Human Resources

  • Job analysis

  • Recruitment and selection of capable human resources

  • Education and Training

  • Employers’ efficiency evaluation

  • Employers; wages

  • Employers’ protection

  • Negotiation of working relations

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