Remote Teaching and Learning: Design Models and Organizational Solutions

Remote Teaching and Learning: Design Models and Organizational Solutions

Giovanni Ganino, Laura S. Agrati
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7366-5.ch081
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Distance learning in the knowledge society, characterized by the massive use of information and communication technologies, is increasingly used and leads to teaching and learning methods that are different from conventional ones: use of networking, high degree of independence of the teaching path from spatial and temporal constraints, continuous monitoring of the learning level both through tracking and through frequent assessment and self-assessment, enhancement of multimedia and digital cognitive artifacts, enhancement of the interactive potential offered by computer-mediated communication and use of learning environments (SML) with socio-constructivist characteristics. This methodology includes teaching methods and strategies aimed at creating a new learning environment. The network becomes a school, a university, a place of formal and non-formal training, and is therefore an important area for experimentation and pedagogical research.
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2. Background

We now talk about distance learning or remote learning to indicate learning processes that take place remotely (anywhere, anytime) and focusing on the learning process as a change in human disposition or capacity that persists beyond a period of time and is not simply attributable to the growth process (Gagné, 1985). The same emphasis of the learning process is also found in didactic experiences in e-learning or blended-learning, which can take place either in conventional didactic situations, in person, in the same physical place (when using the classroom network), or remotely (online). The emphasis on the concept of networked learning (e) shows that the quality of educational actions depends on the conditions that it can provide for students, for those learning (Rivoltella, 2021b, p. 13). The educational actions must take place in learning environments within which the key educational and relational dynamics used in conventional teaching can be recreated. This is why an appropriate definition of virtual classroom seems to be as follows: “A communication space that allows students and teachers who do not share the same place to co-build knowledge through a system of relationships involving the definition and management of an emotional atmosphere” (Rivoltella, 2021c, p. 276).

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