Role of Human Resource Development Functions on Crisis Management

Role of Human Resource Development Functions on Crisis Management

Krisda Tanchaisak, Busara Niyomves, Narat Wattanapanit, Sanya Kenaphoom
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-8850-1.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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An organization's ability to bounce back from setbacks and maintain its reputation is largely dependent on how well it manages crises. Strong HRD protocols improve worker capacities and guarantee adaptability and emergency preparedness. This chapter examines the role of HRD in crisis management, focusing on the need for crisis-specific training to increase resilience through better decision-making, communication, and stress management. Through targeted interventions and real-time metrics, it addresses performance management and places a strong emphasis on leadership development for managers' crisis navigation abilities. Knowledge management is a valuable tool for applying lessons learned from previous crises, which enhances organizational readiness and HRD procedures. To sum up, HRD is essential for improving organizational resilience, crisis management, and preparedness for upcoming challenges.
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