Role of Libraries in Career Development Among the Students

Role of Libraries in Career Development Among the Students

K. Sakkaravarthi, S. Thanuskodi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2201-1.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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The purpose of this chapter is to review and analyze the role of libraries and librarians in Management College student empowerment of career guidance, career counseling, and overall career development in Trichy and Pudukkottai districts. This study creates awareness about different careers among the students and librarians towards career development activities programs. This study may help to create responsiveness among the Management College and librarians to find out how to cater to their students and enhance students' personality, skills, confidence, and students' employability to develop their career. This study assists libraries to study and provide better infrastructure and programs pertaining to student needs. The 584 valid questionnaires were coded after data collection. The obtained data were tabulated and analysed using the statistical packages Microsoft Excel and SPSS. Hypotheses were tested and findings were drawn in the light of objectives of the investigation. The results were reported in the form of thesis, tables, charts, and figures used wherever necessary to make the presentations clear, simple, and easy. The study demonstrated that one-fifth of the respondents were agreed the following statement related career choice of the MBA graduates such as “I am capable of making my own career choice,” “I seek my parent's advice for career choice,” “I consult the librarian in making any career choice,” “I consult the placement officer in making career choice,” “I consult my friends before making any career choice,” “I seek advice of my seniors in making career choice,” “ I consult the alumni of my institute in making career choice,” and “I go by the market trend in deciding my career choice.” Nearly half of the respondents were neutral about the above mentioned statement, and the remaining one-third of the respondents disagreed about various career choices. Further, it is observed from the study that 49.3% of the respondents were neutral with overall level of career choice, 30.0% of the respondents disagree with overall level of career choice, and the remaining 20.7% of the respondents agreed with overall level of career choice.
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Review Of Literature

Binder, et al. (2016) state that nearly half the graduating seniors are moving to a surprisingly narrow band of professional options. Last decades, this has largely been into the finance and consulting sectors, but increased it also includes high-tech firms. This study clearly shows how the student cultures and campus structures steer most of the portions are anxious and uncertain students into high-wealth, high-status occupational sectors. 56 students were interviewed, recent alumni of Harvard and Stanford Universities, from this study he found that the majority of the respondents experienced confusion about their career paths when first arriving at college but immediately learned what were considered to be the most distinguished choices, the career important systems built up among peers exacerbation the funneling effect into the job. These processes helped the students to draw borderline between high-status and ordinary jobs.

Williams & Wiley, (2015) state that the librarians have embraced their roles as academic advisors and expect to continue this responsibility. We have established many positive and lasting relationships with students, who turn to us for research assistance as well as scheduling advice. Our advising work has brought up new and interesting questions about students and unique avenues to learn about their needs. We have discovered a similarity between the needs of students who are unsure about their future career paths and those of students who are unsure about how to begin a research project.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Career Assessment: To helps the students to increase their self-awareness, understand their interests, aptitudes, values, skills, and the job market.

Internships: It is a period of work experience provide by an employer to furnish the students exposure to the work.

Work Study: Doing part-time jobs on or off campus while studying.

Career Development: Career development is distinctive lifelong processes for every individual for further learning, managing, work, and transitions in order to move ahead and participate effectively in professional and communal life.

Job Shadowing: The students can observe someone doing their job for an hour, one person allowing interaction with several staff and observation of different activities.

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