Smart Applications Based on IoT: Challenges and Emerging Trends Landscape

Smart Applications Based on IoT: Challenges and Emerging Trends Landscape

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 37
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0766-3.ch001
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The internet of things (IoT) has recently received a lot of attention, and it is an appealing technology that allows for the inclusion of intelligence in many applications by allowing communication between things, machines, and all things with people. It enables the exchange of environmental information with people via systems and software in a variety of human-related issues. IoT offers intelligent solutions to various issues such as smart energy, network monitoring, transportation, and waste management. The processes for processing enormous amounts of data, storage, and resource and energy management are the most significant problems. However, future IoT developments promise to provide many applications that are more complicated and intelligent than the usage of artificial intelligence approaches. In this chapter, we'll give a brief overview of IoT technologies, explore how they're used in different contexts, and explain why it's a good and promising technology. Additionally, we will examine a number of potential IoT applications while taking into account the difficulties they will encounter and upcoming trends.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that enables all objects to communicate with the Internet by using standard computer and communication concepts. IoT components make it possible to incorporate gadgets like sensors, actuators, and other intelligent systems that can gather environmental data. For many applications in the Internet of Things, information can be handled, controlled, and processed (Ezechina et al., 2015). IoT makes it possible to manage resources efficiently to offer a variety of intelligent applications and enhances people's quality of life. These intelligent applications pertain to industrial, intelligent cities, healthcare, and home automation (Saranya et al., 2015). According to Sapandeep et al. (2016), in the Internet of Things, environmental sensor networks enable adaptive behaviour to adapt to changing environmental conditions and energy availability. These networks also use non-standard radio networks for communications, allowing wireless gateways to send sensor data to the Internet. Nodes in an IoT ecosystem allow for easy Internet access so that they can communicate data to other systems more confidently and easily.

In the near future, the development of IoT combined with artificial intelligence technology (AI) will allow for the management of several processes linked to testing and producing new goods (Ezechina et al., 2015; Misra et al., 2016). The IoT technology's ability to offer intelligent services that are spread across people and machines, as well as enable them to interact with their surroundings, is greatly influenced by artificial intelligence (AI). In order to develop decentralised resources capable of engaging with dynamic networks, AI-based IoT platforms can be coupled to sensors, M2M, and 6G communications (Jayavardhana et al., 2013). The IoT communication language is built on protocols that are used in a variety of platforms and situations and is dependent on intelligence algorithms.

IoT keeps an eye on a variety of environmental factors by placing quality and pollution sensors in urban areas and releasing the edited data to the general public. Since sensors have limited energy resources, the energy efficiency and network capacity of the IoT architecture should be carefully considered (Sapandeep et al., 2016). The frequency band being used and radio frequency communications will also have an impact on how well IoT networks function, which will be seen as one of the key IoT restrictions. In order to ensure adequate capacity in the event of expansion requirements as well as in the case of allocating additional radio spectrum when it becomes available, it is necessary to assess these limits and develop new solutions (Farheen et al., 2015). In light of the aforementioned, this chapter's contribution tries to analyse many significant IoT systems and applications. The chapter provides a quick overview of IoT communication systems and networks, along with information on the deployment obstacles and anticipated usage trends in the future.

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