Strategic Competencies and Skills for Future University Leaders: Creating More Agile Universities

Strategic Competencies and Skills for Future University Leaders: Creating More Agile Universities

Vimbi Petrus Mahlangu, Boledi Melita Moloto
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8213-8.ch011
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The aim of the chapter is to explore competencies and strategic skills required for future university leaders to be more agile in their daily activities. Coping with the pandemic has been particularly difficult for some universities because they serve several different stakeholder, albeit overlapping, functions. The focus will be on the strategic skills that are required for future university leaders and what needs to be done to change universities to be more agile in the future. To contribute to the development of best practices in higher education leadership through approaches and strategies that will be in line with future universities, data will be collected via literature review.
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Research Design

A qualitative approach was used in this chapter. Qualitative information was gathered using literature review. In using the qualitative approach, the researcher must review literature to identify important information relevant to the topic being investigated and to respond to the question asked (Lodico, Spaulding & Voegtle, 2006).

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