Strengthening Security, Privacy, and Trust in Artificial Intelligence Drones for Smart Cities

Strengthening Security, Privacy, and Trust in Artificial Intelligence Drones for Smart Cities

R. Sonia, Neha Gupta, K. P. Manikandan, R. Hemalatha, M. Jogendra Kumar, Sampath Boopathi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3249-8.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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Smart cities are transforming by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) drones for various applications, including traffic monitoring, public space management, and surveillance. However, the increasing reliance on AI drones raises concerns about the security, privacy, and trust of both the technology and the data it collects and processes. Ensuring these factors is crucial for the success of these smart cities. The chapter explores the challenges and strategies for improving security, privacy, and trust in AI drones in smart cities. It emphasizes the role of AI drones in urban innovation, the evolving threat landscape, and the importance of robust security measures. Privacy considerations are also discussed, along with transparency, accountability, ethical use, and public engagement. Technical solutions include AI algorithms, secure communication protocols, and trusted hardware and software components. The chapter also explores future trends and emerging technologies in AI drones and the evolving regulatory landscape.
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Smart cities are integrating AI drones into traffic management, urban planning, goods delivery, surveillance, and public safety. However, security, privacy, and trust are crucial. This chapter explores strategies to protect security, privacy, and trust in AI drones. The integration of AI drones is essential for creating efficient, sustainable, and livable environments in smart cities. Smart cities, driven by rapid urbanization and technological advancements, aim to improve quality of life for residents by integrating advanced technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) drones are a key component of this vision, revolutionizing urban management, public safety, and other services. However, addressing security, privacy, and trust issues is crucial as they are inextricably linked to the deployment of AI drones in smart cities (Bhati et al., 2017; Kaldate et al., 2022; Kalra & Pradhan, 2021).

AI drones, equipped with advanced sensors and machine learning, can improve urban surveillance, traffic management, disaster response, and environmental monitoring. They can reduce traffic congestion, improve public safety, and make cities more sustainable. However, ethical and secure use of these technologies is crucial, as they capture high-resolution imagery and sensitive data. Misuse can lead to unwarranted surveillance, invasion of privacy, and eroded trust between citizens and government authorities. AI drones pose a significant threat to public safety, infrastructure, and personal privacy due to their vulnerability to cyberattacks and unauthorized access. In urban airspace, accidents and collisions are common, necessitating robust security measures. Trust in the technology and its deploying institutions is crucial for public acceptance and successful integration into smart cities (Butler et al., 2021; Saleem et al., 2020). Building and maintaining this trust requires transparency, accountability, and ethical practices.

This paper explores the challenges and opportunities in ensuring the security, privacy, and trustworthiness of AI drones in smart cities. It discusses the existing landscape of AI drone technology, privacy implications, security vulnerabilities, and strategies for building trust among citizens (Ajchariyavanich et al., 2019; Perera et al., 2017). The goal is to harness AI drones responsibly and sustainably, prioritizing the welfare and interests of residents in smart cities.

Background and Context: Smart cities are transforming our lives and work by utilizing technology and data to enhance efficiency and sustainability. AI drones, equipped with advanced sensors, are a key component in this evolution, enabling real-time data collection and analysis, enabling informed decisions and improved quality of life for residents.

Importance of Security, Privacy, and Trust in Smart Cities: Smart city development is a complex process requiring security, privacy, and trust. AI drones can pose risks to public safety and personal privacy. The success of smart cities depends on their technological prowess, perception of safety, and respect for individual privacy. Addressing these concerns is crucial for global smart city growth.

Scope and Objectives of the Chapter: This chapter delves into the challenges of securing, preserving, and fostering trust in AI drones in smart cities. It covers threat landscape, data protection, ethical considerations, and technology's role in mitigating these issues. The aim is to provide readers with a deep understanding of securing AI drone technology and strategies to navigate the complex interplay of technology, privacy, and public trust in smarter, safer, and more sustainable urban environments.


Smart Cities And Ai Drones

This chapter explores the potential of smart cities and AI drones in improving urban living through advanced technologies, data analytics, and connectivity (Abualigah et al., 2021; Billah et al., 2022). It highlights their transformative potential, applications, and challenges, while also highlighting their key applications.

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