Students' Acceptance of YouTube for Procedural Learning

Students' Acceptance of YouTube for Procedural Learning

Wen Ying Lim, Yuin Xian Chew, Cyn Ye Chan, Shyir Khie Leow, Siti Badriyah Mohamad Rozlan, William Junior Yong
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0746-8.ch004
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This research investigates students' acceptance of YouTube for procedural learning. Multiple regression was used to analyze the data based on sample of 240 respondents who pursuing studies in a public higher learning institution in Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia. Results revealed that there is connection between content richness, task-technology fit, YouTube self-efficacy and vividness and behavioral intention to use YouTube. Results may enhance the intentions of users on browsing YouTube for more procedural learning. YouTube can enlarge the functions as a mass-oriented means for procedural learning to increase the perceived usefulness of YouTube and improve the users' behavioral intention to browse YouTube. The role of this study is important to dedicate the YouTube users for the procedural learning in their education tasks. This study is to integrate the TAM with perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness to have an effect on the activity intention of users.
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Procedural learning is that the acquisition of skills and knowledge to implement the task. Procedural learning does affect a person’s performance in every task given. Since the technology is getting advanced, YouTube has becomes an encouraging channel for procedural learning among the students. YouTube is the most popular video sharing web nowadays and is a social media for You Tuber to share their video around the world. Besides, YouTube help student to gain extra knowledge from other world which have different type of culture, style and entertainment. YouTube is a very popular outlet for younger generations and it is often their main source of media coverage. However, YouTube not only offers entertainment, but also education topics that may not be discussed in classroom. YouTube has 4 billion type of video each month, every minute there are video being uploaded and this make YouTube are popular in online video site around the world. In addition, YouTube has a special feature for Users or member to upload their video, comment and enable any people to sign up (Lange, 2007). YouTube also being establishment as the successful social media in the bond of the content-rich video and more important in term of video graphic (Cheng, Dale, & Liu, 2007).

Research Discovery YouTube has become a subject of dialogue and inquiry at intervals scholarly literature as educators and researchers grapple with questions on the probabilities and issues related to social media (Chenail, 2010). Lee and Lehto (2013) stated a factor affecting perceived usefulness which is YouTube-self efficacy. User can share their information to express their feeling through YouTube to get the solution based on the comment from the YouTuber or viewer. YouTube is that the most often used social media tool within the classroom (Moran, Seaman, & Kane, 2012). Students are able to search information of their task from YouTube by watching the video. Students can gain more knowledge from YouTube and get to know further details of the information which they are searching for via this useful website. The professionals in traditional media are concerned that YouTube could take over the world and become the dominant medium. Therefore, YouTube is important to develop student creative thinking, learn faster and safe time.

Procedural learning isn’t essential task for YouTube itself, essential task that YouTube specify is for user to sharing and looking at video created by users themselves during a voluntary approach intrinsic and extrinsic task of YouTube is distinct by (Gefen & Straub, 2000). The main concerns of this information system is to provide support for reaching the inherent achievement, while the latter is marked by the task where The YouTube system is instrumentally used to create substantial impacts on separable outcome values surpass the intrinsic task. Whereby users can use it to accomplish extrinsic task’s importance is emphasized by (Muthitacharoen, Palvia, Brooks, Krishnan, Otondo & Robert, 2006). From the previous study, the acceptance processes are most significant in literature of management info system– the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, Bagozzi, Warshaw, 1989). The TAM is well balance by the psychological feature model (Muthitacharoen et. al., 2006).

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