Supporting Meaningful and Equitable Early Learning Through Science and Engineering

Supporting Meaningful and Equitable Early Learning Through Science and Engineering

Ximena Dominguez, Amy Stephens
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8649-5.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
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Engaging young children in science and engineering learning experiences leverages their curiosity and interest in the natural and physical world. Recent initiatives at the national, state, and local levels have begun to elevate science and engineering as key domains of early learning. This chapter provides an overview of why science and engineering should be promoted early, including discussions of how current views of K-12 science and engineering align with whole-child approaches in preschool, how preschool science and engineering can support children's current and later learning, and how co-design efforts can make these early learning experiences relevant and meaningful. The chapter also reviews the evidence regarding science tools and resources, as well as the promise of curricula and professional development programs. Overall, greater alignment in preschool and elementary efforts is needed to create high quality, cohesive and coherent science and engineering learning experiences across time.
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More than a decade ago, the comprehensive National Research Council (NRC) report, Taking Science to School, described the state of K-8 science education and highlighted the importance and need for introducing science early in childhood (NRC, 2007). Since then, this need has been echoed in national, state, and local preschool and prekindergarten initiatives, which elevate science as an important dimension of early learning. For example, the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015) includes scientific reasoning as a key domain of school readiness and highlights science as a domain of learning that “provides opportunities for rich vocabulary learning and collaboration with peers and fosters a sense of curiosity and motivation to learn” (p. 51)—all crucial skills for later school success. Similar shifts have been observed around the country as an increasing number of states call out preschool science standards (e.g., Virginia, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Michigan). Although science, and more recently engineering, are increasingly recognized as key domains of early learning, young children, especially those enrolled in early learning programs in underserved communities, have few opportunities to engage in high quality science investigation, and even fewer opportunities to engage in engineering design.

Initial studies examining early STEM teaching report a small percentage of time devoted to science with a paucity of research documenting the time young children have to engage in engineering activities (to include whether they have opportunities at all1). Tu (2006), for instance, studied formal and informal science learning opportunities in preschool classrooms and found that only 4.5% of activities were dedicated to formal science (teacher facilitated) and 8.8% to informal science (free choice with science tools). More recent studies report a higher percentage of time devoted to science, but also highlight inequity. Piasta and colleagues (2104) report approximately 26% of instructional time is dedicated to science on average. However, not only is there significant variability across classrooms (ranging from 0 to 102 minutes per day), but classrooms that serve children from higher socioeconomic households and those whose teacher holds a college degree provide significantly more science learning opportunities relative to classrooms serving children from low-income households and those whose teachers do not hold a college degree.

Furthermore, although recent work suggests more time is devoted to science, few studies to date have examined the quality of science instruction in early childhood programs. Vitiello and colleagues (2019) recently developed a preschool science observational measure (PSOM) and piloted it as part of the randomized controlled trial investigating the promise of a science curriculum. They analyzed data in control classrooms (n=47) to “provide a picture of science teaching in typical classrooms.” Average scores for the three PSOM quality components derived via factor analyses (engage, explore, and consolidate) were low to midrange. Additionally, while practices such as making observations and predictions were promoted frequently, others such as interpreting data and sharing/communicating findings were rarely or never facilitated. Children were also rarely observed using science tools, such as magnifying glasses, balances, rulers, etc.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Science: The study of the physical and natural world through observation and investigation.

Cross-Cutting Concepts: Concepts that link various domains of science, such as cause and effect.

Core Ideas: Key or fundamental ideas that form the basis of physical science, life science, earth and space science, and engineering, technology, and the applications of science.

Science Practices: Behaviors that scientists engage in as they investigate and make sense of phenomena.

Engineering Practices: Behaviors that engineers engage in as they design and test solutions.

Digital Tools: Media and learning technologies that are used as tools for learning.

Engineering: Use of scientific principles to develop an object, system, or process that addresses a particular need, solves a particular problem, or accomplishes a particular goal.

Co-Design: A process through which all members (end users, designers, developers, facilitators, educators, among others) collaboratively design and develop innovations to ensure they are meaningful, feasible and lead to expected outcomes.

STEM: Abbreviation used for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

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