Survey on Cardiac Rehabilitation

Survey on Cardiac Rehabilitation

Rabindranath Sahu
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 9
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7561-4.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Cardiac rehabilitation increases quality of life, cardiovascular fitness, and improves cardiac event risk. Despite cardiac rehabilitation's advantages, many eligible people don't enroll. Increased cardiac rehabilitation involvement demands greater access. Thorough cardiac rehabilitation helps cardiovascular disease patients. Cardiovascular disease counselling, exercise training, and healthy lifestyle instruction are typical. Personalize aerobic, resistance, and flexibility activities. Healthy living instruction includes food, smoking cessation, and stress management. Counseling may help with anxiety, depression, and other cardiovascular disease-related feelings.
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Alterations to a person's way of life, in addition to physical activity and education, are all part of the comprehensive plan that is known as cardiac rehabilitation (Das et al., 2021,2022,2023; Rizhky et al., 2023), or CR for short. Participants who have cardiac disease will get aid in obtaining and maintaining the maximum possible level of physical, psychological, and social functioning as part of the overall goal of the programmer. This assistance will be provided as part of the overall purpose of the course. This help will be made available for the whole of the programmer as well as after it has come to a successful conclusion. The majority of the time, the responsibility of directing CR projects is given to a multidisciplinary team consisting of healthcare professionals. Some examples of these experts include medical physicians and nurses, exercise physiologists and nutritionists, and even psychologists. Typically, CR courses are carried out in a regulated setting, such as a hospital or clinic, and they are overseen by a group of experts hailing from a range of specializations. The administration of CR regimens almost always takes place in a controlled environment, such as a hospital or a clinic. This is the case because of the potential for adverse reactions. This is since there is a possibility of experiencing adverse effects as a result of receiving therapy. The goals of cardiac rehabilitation (Das et al., 2023), include improving quality of life, reducing the risk of future cardiac events, increasing cardiovascular fitness, and decreasing the risk of future cardiac events. CR also tries to improve one's quality of life by minimizing the likelihood that they will have future cardiac episodes. This contributes to an overall improvement in heart health. In addition to education, counselling, and the management of risk factors, CR programmers often include exercise training and a wide variety of other types of physical activity as part of their offerings. People who are good candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CR) include those who have recently experienced a cardiac event, such as a heart attack or heart surgery, as well as those who have a high risk of developing heart disease due to factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a family history of heart disease. People who have a high risk of developing heart disease because of conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a history of heart disease in their family may also consider cardiac resynchronization therapy (CR). In addition, those who smoke, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a family history of heart disease are encouraged to undergo cardiac resynchronization treatment (CR) since they have a greater likelihood of acquiring heart disease owing to the risk factors that were described earlier in this paragraph. According to the findings of several studies, participation in CR has the potential to result in significant improvements to a person's cardiovascular fitness, reductions in the risk of death, and an overall improvement in the quality of life of the individual. Because of this, cardiac rehabilitation is a crucial component of cardiac therapy, and it is recommended for by significant medical organizations such as the European Society of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. [C]Rehabilitation of the heart may also be referred to as cardiac conditioning.

People who have had a heart attack, undergone heart surgery, or suffered from any number of other heart-related conditions may be eligible for cardiac rehabilitation. A programmer known as cardiac rehabilitation is one that is overseen by medical professionals and focuses on enhancing the overall health and well-being of the people who take part in the course. The following is a list of some of the potential benefits that cardiac rehabilitation might bring, with no specific order given to the items on the list:

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