Swarm Security: Tackling Threats in the Age of Drone Swarms

Swarm Security: Tackling Threats in the Age of Drone Swarms

Muhammad Tayyab, Majid Mumtaz, Syeda Mariam Muzammal, Noor Zaman Jhanjhi, Fatimah- tuz-Zahra
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0774-8.ch013
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An era marked by revolutionary advancements in miniaturization and artificial intelligence has ushered in the age of drone swarms. These formations characterized by coordinated fleets of miniature aerial vehicles (MAVs) offer undeniable potential for unparalleled efficiency in diverse applications. Therefore, the field of “swarm security” delves into how drone swarms have reshaped the security landscape. Compared to lone drones, infected drones within a swarm could potentially seize control of the entire group, posing the chilling risk of coordinated attacks on critical infrastructure or densely populated areas. To strengthen cybersecurity frameworks, this study investigates the intertwined complexities of legal frameworks and technological advancements. The authors explore modern defenses like signal jamming and AI-powered threat detection, while also raising ethical concerns about weapons and responsible use. Moreover, a future where the revolutionary potential of drone swarms is harnessed for the benefit of society has been explored through understanding and mitigating risks.
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1. Introduction

Drone swarms taking to the air, once thought to be a sci-fi dream, are quickly approaching reality. There are a lot of potential and problems associated with this technological revolution, which is being driven by significant breakthroughs in miniaturisation, artificial intelligence, and communication technology. Drone swarms are incredibly efficient and versatile groups of dozens or even hundreds of miniaturised aerial vehicles (MAVs) that operate in tandem (Mahmood A Al-Shareeda & Manickam, 2023). Imagine these agile fleets revolutionising agriculture by using their exceptional agility and coverage to help with search and rescue operations, or even by autonomously assessing vital infrastructure such as bridges and pipelines, or precisely spreading pesticides across large fields.

But along with that enormous potential is an equally scary shadow: the way drone swarms have changed the security landscape. These coordinated structures provide distinct vulnerabilities and threats in contrast to their solitary counterparts (Mekdad et al., 2023). Their decentralized nature and intricate communication net- works create new attack vectors for malicious actors, jeopardizing data privacy, operational integrity, and even physical safety. The ability of a single compromised drone to manipulate the entire swarm raises alarming possibilities, from disrupting sensitive surveillance missions to causing physical harm through co- ordinated attacks on critical infrastructure or densely populated areas (Campion et al., 2018; Laghari et al., 2023).

Although the use of drones is becoming more common, there are still several security and privacy concerns with this technology. Several studies emphasised the necessity for improved security measures (Albalawi & Song, 2019; Ben Nassi et al., 2019). Nassi focuses on methods for detecting and disabling vulnerabilities, whereas Albalawi recommends using the seL4 OS and data aggregation to increase privacy. Dovgal discusses drone architecture and potential weak points, emphasising the need for protection, particularly in the event of cyberattacks (Vitaly & Dovgal, 2021). In order to defend communications within a drone swarm, Guerber advises employing software-defined networks and machine learning, with an emphasis on identifying and preventing both insider and external threats (Guerber et al., 2021). Together, these findings highlight how crucial strong security protocols are in the era of drones. Consequently, the rise of drone swarms necessitates a paradigm shift in security approaches. Traditional methods, de- signed for singular drones, fall short when faced with the complex dynamics and collective intelligence of these swarming fleets. We must now navigate a complex sky where ensuring the safety and security of drone swarms demands innovative countermeasures, robust cybersecurity frameworks, and a deep understanding of the emergent behaviors and vulnerabilities unique to this technology (Radoglou-Grammatikis et al., 2020). In Figure 1, a comprehensive framework for swarm security in drone swarms is shown. Their security risks and countermeasures will be discussed in subsequent sections.

The exploration into “Swarm Security” delves into the heart of this emerging field. We will examine the diverse threats posed by malicious actors, from hijacking communication networks to manipulating collective behavior. We will dissect the cutting-edge countermeasures and defense strategies under development, including signal jamming, AI-powered threat detection, and ethical considerations surrounding weaponization and responsible use (Budiyono & Higashino, 2023). Ultimately, our journey will navigate the intricate interplay between technological advancements, legal frame- works, and international cooperation, all with the objective of ensuring a future.

Figure 1.

Drone swarms security and mitigation measures


where the vast potential of drone swarms is harnessed for good, while proactively mitigating the risks they present.

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