Taxonomy of Cyber Threats to Application Security and Applicable Defenses

Taxonomy of Cyber Threats to Application Security and Applicable Defenses

Winfred Yaokumah, Ferdinard Katsriku, Jamal-Deen Abdulai, Kwame Okwabi Asante-Offei
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3149-5.ch002
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Application security measures are the controls within software systems that protect information assets from security attacks. Cyber attacks are largely carried out through software systems running on computing systems in cyberspace. To mitigate the risks of cyber attacks on software systems, identification of entities operating within cyberspace, threats to application security and vulnerabilities, and defense mechanisms are crucial. This chapter offers a taxonomy that identifies assets in cyberspace, classifies cyber threats into eight categories (buffer overflow, malicious software, input attacks, object reuse, mobile code, social engineering, back door, and logic bomb), provides security defenses, and maps security measures to control types and functionalities. Understanding application security threats and defenses will help IT security professionals in the choice of appropriate security countermeasures for setting up strong defense-in-depth mechanisms. Individuals can also apply these safeguards to protect themselves from cyber-attacks.
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Cyberspace represents the virtual environment that allows interaction of people, devices, software, networks, information, applications, critical information infrastructures, and services on the Internet using computing devices and telecommunication networks (ISO/IEC 27032, 2012). It is a complex environment of diverse entities and resources, comprising of stakeholders and their roles, cyberspace assets, threat agents and threats, vulnerabilities, and cybersecurity controls. Cyber threats are emerging risks posing a range of challenges to users of cyberspace (Marotta & McShane, 2018). Cybercriminals use cyberspace to launch attacks on information assets and critical information infrastructures. In 2018, it was estimated that cyberattacks cost the world economy some $45 billion (SecurityMagazine, 2019). The main medium by which cyber-attacks are carried out is via vulnerabilities in software applications and operating systems over communications networks. Thus, information technology (IT) security professionals are most concerned about threats to software systems, such as phishing and ransomware (Kerner, 2017). Though cyber-attacks may be detected, it often takes much time to recover from them (Kerner, 2017). According to a recent report, ransomware alone costs businesses more than $75 million per year (Oberly, 2019). It is suggested that cybersecurity threats will grow in importance, in particular, as the Internet-of-Things (IoT) becomes widespread (Rash, 2015).

With the aim of mitigating cyber-attacks, ISO/IEC 27032:2012 Guidelines for Cybersecurity provides guidance for reducing cyber risks. The standard describes cybersecurity practices and the roles of stakeholders in cyberspace, outlines guidelines for resolving common cybersecurity issues, and provide a framework for stakeholders to collaborate to resolve cybersecurity issues (ISO/IEC 27032, 2012). The standard identifies the following four major areas; a) information security, b) network security, c) Internet security, and d) critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP) (ISO/IEC 27032, 2012). According to Kerner (2017), though cybersecurity standards and practices have helped in the decline of network and client vulnerabilities, server vulnerabilities have increased by 34 percent. Apparently, organizations are losing the cyber-war due to overdependence on humans to protect computer systems (Needle, 2017). A recent studies and report note that human failure to comply with security policies (Yaokumah, Walker, Kumah, 2019), such as updating security patches, has led to the theft of 145.5 million credit cards and personal information (Anwar, 2019). Also, data breaches of 450 million records in 2018 and nearly 773 million passwords and email addresses were stolen in 2019 (Anwar, 2019).

Data breaches are carried out through software systems running on networks. Software systems security, often referred to as application security, is among the most important aspect of cyberspace security (McGraw, 2013). The International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2 Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) defines the key areas of knowledge for application security as:

The controls that are included within systems and application software and the steps used in their development. Applications refer to agents, applets, software, databases, data warehouses, and knowledge-based systems. These applications may be used in distributed or centralized environments (Gregory, 2010, p.78).

Application security is one of the most important means of securing the cyberspace (McGraw, 2013). Threats to software systems can be malicious (such as distributed denial-of-service [DDoS] and injection attacks) or non-malicious (such as system crashes and Internet connection failures) (Refsdal et al., 2015). Malicious attacks are designed to steal information, deny access to, degrade, or destroy critical information systems (DHS, 2017). Therefore, software systems should be engineered so that they can continue to function correctly under malicious attacks (McGraw, 2013).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Firewall: A hardware device or software program that controls the passage of traffic at a network boundary according to a predefined set of rules.

Logic Bomb: Computer code placed in a system that is intended to perform some harmful event when certain conditions are met—usually a specific day or time in the future.

Anti-Virus Software: Software that is used to detect and remove viruses and other malicious code from a system.

Back Door: A feature in a program that allows access that bypasses security.

Side-Channel Attack: An attack on a system where a subject can observe the physical characteristics of a system in order to make inferences on its internal operation.

Spyware: Usually unwanted and sometimes malicious software that is used to harvest Internet usage information from a user’s workstation.

Trojan Horse: Malicious computer code that claims to perform some benign function while actually performing some additional, malicious function.

Spam: Unwanted e-mail that usually contains unsolicited commercial advertisements, pornography, or attempts to lure recipients into opening malicious attachments or visiting malicious web sites.

Anti-Rootkit: Software that uses techniques to find hidden processes, hidden registry entries, unexpected kernel hooks, and hidden files in order to find rootkits that may be present on a system.

Adware Cookies: Web beacons and other means used to track individual Internet users and build behavior profiles for them.

Hardening: The process of configuring a system to make it more robust and resistant to attack.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): An attack where an attacker can inject a malicious script into HTML content in order to steal session cookies and other sensitive information.

Worm: Malicious code that has the ability to self-propagate and spread rapidly from system to system.

Key Logger: A hardware or software component that records keystrokes on a computer.

Virus: Malicious code that attaches to a file, document, or master boot record (MBR).

Rootkit: Malicious code that is designed to avoid detection by hiding itself by some means.

Anti-Spyware: Software that is designed to detect and remove spyware.

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