Teaching Computer Graphics and Multimedia: A Practical Overview

Teaching Computer Graphics and Multimedia: A Practical Overview

John DiMarco
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-196-4.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter defines and examines situations, problems, and processes faced by teachers of technology. Based on experience teaching at three colleges with different economic, academic, ethnic, and financial attributes, this chapter provides stable and practical approaches to solving common issues. Each school environment and student population presents different technical and interpersonal challenges. Real experiences involving set up of college laboratories, development of digital curriculum, and creation of accredited programs are highlighted and transferred into tangible strategies. If you are new to teaching digital subjects, this text may help you get started. If you are an experienced teacher, this may bring you a new strategy or perspective. Ultimately, this chapter aims to assist student teachers, experienced teachers, artists, information technologists, and computer scientists in becoming stronger in transferring knowledge and skills in the digital realm. In addition, the chapter hopes to invite scholars and educators to explore teaching computer graphics and multimedia within the context of their own disciplines.

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