Televised Sporting Events: Applications of Second Screens

Televised Sporting Events: Applications of Second Screens

Joaquín Marín-Montín
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3119-8.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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The second screen has become a new resource for accessing information in addition to what you can see on television. This allows for an enhanced viewing experience through the generation of new services, apps, and changes in the production of content. Sporting events, especially large ones that are broadcast live, have especially developed this innovation. This chapter examines the distinctive features that the second screen contributes to televised sporting events, considering the type of production as well as the effects that are generated in the reception of the content and the alteration to the way the treatment the audiovisual content may receive. To achieve this, real cases from the Spanish context are studied, such as two major cycling events: La Vuelta 2017 ( and the Tour de France 2019 ( and Eurosport Player App).
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Theorical Approach

At present, the abundance of information generated by the new forms of digital communication has modified the behavior of users who are now encouraged to select their own sources (Vivar & García, 2009) from among a broader range of services. Similarly, with the advent of different screens – smartphones, laptops, tablets, video game consoles and smart televisions – the consumption of audiovisual content has become increasingly more varied. This new communication environment is characterized preferentially by individual use (Fernández Peña, 2016). For Castells (2009), “mass self-communication” is the result of the interactive capacity of the new system, which multiplies and diversifies the communication process. On the other hand, following Dimmick (2003), the so-called “niche theory” suggests that a new medium competes with its older counterparts to satisfy the needs of users by offering them the opportunity to access content other than that which is available at a given moment. So, according to niche theory, the introduction of a new medium may or may not lead to competition with its older counterparts. In this chapter, the new medium is the second screen device and the older one, television. Rather than a competition between both media, second screen media consumption has emerged as a way of reinforcing the attention of users (Cunningham & Eastin, 2017).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Multiscreen: A viewing mode that simultaneously offers several live content signals.

Replays: Recourse to audiovisual language that serves to clarify actions that have gone unnoticed during a live broadcast.

Live Broadcasting: The transmission of an event without a significant delay.

Broadcasting Rights: Business contracts between media outlets – especially TV channels – for the live broadcasting of major events.

Multi-Camera: A tool that allows viewers to select different cameras during the live broadcasting of a program.

Program Signal: The final transmission of images and sound by the producer for its TV broadcasting.

Interactive Television: The evolution of the TV medium towards a more participatory environment for viewers. Driven by digitization, it has different levels and services.

Ambient Sound: Real background sound elements. During a sports broadcast, it is supplemented by the narration and comments in the foreground.

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