Testing the DeLone-McLean Model of Information System Success in an E-Learning Context

Testing the DeLone-McLean Model of Information System Success in an E-Learning Context

Sean B. Eom, James Stapleton
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-615-2.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter has two important objectives (a) introduction of structural equation modeling for a beginner; and (b) empirical testing of the validity of the information system (IS) success model of DeLone and McLean (the DM model) in an e-learning environment, using LISREL based structural equation modeling. The following section briefly describes the prior literature on course delivery technologies and e-learning success. The next section presents the research model tested and discussion of the survey instrument. The structural equation modeling process is fully discussed including specification, identification, estimation, testing, and modification of the model. The final section summarizes the test results. To build e-learning theories, those untested conceptual frameworks must be tested and refined. Nevertheless, there has been very little testing of these frameworks. This chapter is concerned with the testing of one such framework. There is abundant prior research that examines the relationships among information quality, system quality, system use, user satisfaction, and system outcomes. This is the first study that focuses on the testing of the DM model in an e-learning context.
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Course Delivery Technologies And E-Learning Success

The review of the past two decades of e-learning systems research identified three dimensions: human (students, instructors, and interaction among them), design (course contents, course structures, etc.), and e-learning systems including technologies. In each dimension, researchers identified many indicator variables. For example, students can be further sub-classified into sub-dimensions such as learning styles, intelligence, self-efficacy, motivation, self-regulated learning behaviors, etc. For the review of the impact of human dimensions and design dimensions on e-learning success, readers are referred to (Arbaugh et al., 2009). The technological dimension of e-learning success factors includes many information systems tools such as Web 2.0 technologies, push technologies, blogs, and wikis, to name a few. Readers are referred to (Arbaugh et al., 2009) to review the various empirical studies to examine the impact of these tools on e-learning success.

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