The Digitalization Process of the Public Sector in Turkey: An Evaluation Through the Digital Transformation Office

The Digitalization Process of the Public Sector in Turkey: An Evaluation Through the Digital Transformation Office

Ünal Küçük
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3380-5.ch011
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Presidential offices are among the institutions included in the administrative system with the new government system in Turkey. Offices operating in four different areas, namely human resources, finance, digital transformation, and investment, are candidates to be the new actors of the change process in the public service delivery process. The subject of the study is the Digital Transformation Office. The Digital Transformation Office is the institution that will manage the digitalization process in Turkey. The aim of the research is to evaluate the digitalization process in the field of public administration in Turkey through the Digital Transformation Office. Document review technique was used in the study, which used secondary data sources within the qualitative research approach. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the office plays an important role as a continuation of the previous transformation process. It has been accepted that e-government applications are the reflection of digital transformation on the state.
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The place and role of technology in human life is becoming more and more valuable in an unimaginable way. We are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution. At the same time, society 5.0 is experienced socially. In the process that started with hunting and agricultural activities, the social process came to the 4th stage with the invention of industrial production and the computer. Society 5.0, on the other hand, refers to the new social structure based on society 4.0, which is based on the logic that public services can receive the highest quality public service in every segment.

The differentiation of production relations leads to historical breaking points and transformations in the social sense. Transformation itself, whether in the private or public sector, is both a cause and an effect when evaluated with other developments. Big Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and other technological developments radically change the intellection of production. This change also triggers the change to be experienced in many different areas such as public organization, security, way of doing business and types of employment. Perhaps the most important common problem for the digitalized public and private sectors and users is digital security. In this sense, the measures to be taken in the field of cyber security in the digital transformation of public administration are one of the most important components of this process. As it is known, one of the most important functions or reasons for existence of the state, which even classical liberals do not deny, is the state's duty to provide internal and external security. With digitalization, the position that states will take in their role in providing security will change and cyber security will come to the fore. Because the attacks that will be experienced in terms of security in the near future will show themselves in the form of cyber attacks, mostly due to digitalization. As smart applications permeate our lives, the risk will increase as well.

The issue of security forms part of the digital transformation of public administration. When looked around the world, it is seen that countries do not remain indifferent to this situation. It is observed that almost every country is involved in digital transformation efforts in one way or another except for less developed countries.

In Turkey, where the digitalization process is handled as a holistic, the digitalization process in public administration is also shaped under the influence of the central administration. The central government is not the only responsible institution in this regard. Local governments and citizens also have very important duties. However, it should be considered as a normal situation that the central administration, which has the power to make regulations, comes to the fore in this regard. This situation, in one aspect, gives the impression of a top-down change movement initiated by the central administration of the public digital transformation, as in other modernization movements in Turkey. The current corporate representative of the Digital Transformation process in Turkey is the Digital Transformation Office. Organized at the central level, this unit is tasked with developing policies regarding different aspects of the digital transformation process, under the President.

Digitalization in Turkey is perceived as a holistic transformation that brings together human, business processes and technology elements. In this sense, the definition adopted by the Digital Transformation Office; It is in the form of “holistic transformation in the field of people, business processes and technology”. Digitalization can be expressed as the transfer of values such as knowledge, labor, and capital directly to the digital environment depending on technological development. In this sense, it is accepted that the digital transformation process started with the transition to cyber-physical systems. Digitalization is perceived not only as technological progress in the narrow sense but as a considerable transformation. The transformation in question has started to be effective in areas such as employment, social welfare, and the economy through the self-instrumentalization of digital technologies.

Key Terms in this Chapter

E-Government: The reflection of digital transformation on the state.

Digitalization: To change something such as a document to a digital form.

Digitization: To put information into the form of a series of the numbers 0 and 1, usually so that it can be understood and used by a computer.

Digital Transformation Office: It is one of the four offices included in the administrative system along with the presidential government system in Turkey.

Participation: Refers to the processes of citizen involvement in public service delivery.

Digital Era Governance: It is one of the views put forward in the post-new public administration process. Aims to restructure the public administration with a technology-intensive reform movement.

Digitalized Public Personnel: Making civil servants a part of the digital transformation process.

Digitalized Public Administration: People, business processes and technological transformation in the public sector.

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