The Globalization of Education and Control Techniques of the E-Learning Systems in Russian Smart Universities for Increase of Quality and Competitiveness

The Globalization of Education and Control Techniques of the E-Learning Systems in Russian Smart Universities for Increase of Quality and Competitiveness

Valeriy Bochcov, Sergey Isayev, Yevgeny Vedeniapin
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9489-7.ch040
(Individual Chapters)
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The main purpose of chapter discuss the development of the education system in the context of economic globalization and the emergence of cross-border education and development of e-learning and distance education technologies. The chapter also discussed the phenomenon of the emergence of projects MOOCs as a tool for selecting human capital in the interests of the global players on the global market, identify and systematize the circumstances giving rise to the emergence and development of these projects, manufacturers of courses and the major players, & the issues of efficiency and effectiveness of teaching on platforms MOOCs. Also was formulated the possible consequences for the nation-state in further intensification of global competition in the education market, the made conclusions on strengthening the integration of education with international policies of governments and big business in the WTO. These factors impose special conditions on the production of educational policies aimed at increasing competitiveness, especially in the field of vocational and higher education.
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Development of the Massive open online courses projects (Massive Open Online Courses - MOOCs), since 2008, in our opinion is due to several factors. The majority of MOOCs courses currently produced and offered in the Canada and after in the U.S. Most major MOOCs providers are currently Coursera, edX, UdaCity, Udemy. In its plans for 2014 - to bring a contingent of students to six million people and, apparently, they are already significantly exceeded. From the beginning of 2013/14 academic year Russian Universities working in the new legal framework according the 01.09.2013 Federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation” from 29.12.2012 Nº273-FL. This law introduces a number of law enforcement educational practice innovations, which was tested in teaching practice during a half-dozen years, and are now it’s legally allow to carry out the educational process on the new organizational and technological bases - using e-learning and distance learning technologies, as well as in the form of network interaction in the implementation of educational programs, including with foreign partners (Bochkov, 2006).

The electronic information resources and technical resources should provide, as stated in the law, studying of educational programs in full value, regardless of the location of students. In modern world e-learning is a well-developed industry with a turnover of $100 billion (Smolin, 2013) only on the learning process, what's more the advertising industry, and compared with the mobile communication industry. The current volume of the Russian e-learning and distance education market is estimated by experts (Garkusha, 2013) at about 8 billion rubles with its growth potential (only due to higher education organizations, without additional services and corporate training) to 130-150 billion rubles per year. According to several studies Russian e-learning market looks today is not yet sufficiently developed, but has a good potential and capacity to growth. Application of distance learning technologies and e-learning today declare about 500 Russian Universities.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Specificity: The structure and content of vocational education (all levels and at different levels)that is adequate to the actual needs of social production, expressed in professional standards. Acceptability and Realistic: for studying the conditions (in any place, at any time and through all my life) to obtain the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities to develop the necessary competences and qualifications of specialists, caused by the requirements of PS and specific for a certain period of time.

The Necessary and the Level of Education of the Person: The higher the wider scope of activities and the higher the degree of uncertainty of situations in which it should and is able to act independently, the more a wide range of possible ways of activity he should possess and better than he can carry out the selection of one of these ways.

Self-Esteem: Is an independent expert assessment. Experts estimate according to the tested at the international level methodology: used contestant approaches; implementation of these approaches in the activities of the organization; the impact of the announced initiatives on the results obtained.

Self-Evaluation: Benchmarking tool, because the traditional audit - verification of compliance with standards, rules, procedures of organization and/or professional environment, and self-esteem - check the competitiveness of the organization in a professional environment and in the society by means of the comparison of its results of operations with the results accepted by the consumers, which are the basis and the measure of success.

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