The Important Issues for Millennial Workers

The Important Issues for Millennial Workers

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0437-6.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter will help you to understand the important issues facing the Millennial Generation and their behavior in the workplace, understand the concepts of interpersonal relation and the viewpoints of the Millennial Generation, understand the contents of communication skills, communication models and communication styles, and understand how the Millennial Generation views conflict and conflict management.
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Interpersonal Relation In The Workplace

Interpersonal Relation and Important Theories

Interpersonal relations are a matter of degree: they focus on a participant feeling he/she is in a good relationship with others, such as family members, friends, or colleagues (Lin, 2014). Jung and Yoon (2016) define interpersonal relations that focus on human relationships with colleagues or supervisors in the workplace. Kim and Eves (2012) indicate that interpersonal relations can be viewed as reciprocal, social, and emotional interactions between people, as a desire to spend time with family and friends, and as a need to be satisfied from beyond the normal circle of acquaintances.

However, the quality of interpersonal relations depends greatly on personality. Many factors influence interpersonal relations, including personality disorders and attachment insecurities that generate problems in emotional regulation, interfere with the construction of a stable and positive sense of self, as well as disrupt the accomplishment of major developmental tasks (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2007). Hence, poor interpersonal relations cause tension in the workplace, which occurs between colleagues, managers, and customers, as well as sellers (Gunbayi, 2009). In contrast, a close interpersonal relationship can improve communication and exchange more information, and then strengthen inter-firm outcomes, including inter-firm trust, relationship satisfaction, and performance (Wang, Wang, & Zheng, 2014).

In Chinese society, interpersonal relations are based on “guanxi.” This term refers to a particular type of relationship, social connections, or personal connections that bonds the exchange partners through reciprocal exchange of favors, personal resources, and mutual obligations, as well as establishing expectations (Shou, Chen, Zhu, & Yang, 2014; Wu & Chiu, 2016). However, guanxi can have several negative influences in society or the workplace, such as influence privilege or promotion. Once an interpersonal relationship is used to obtain individual benefits or results in losses to others, it becomes unhealthy.

Interpersonal Needs Theory--- Schutz

Schutz’s interpersonal needs theory indicates that an individual has a specific need for interactions and that only interactions satisfy this need, if this person experiences the interaction to be a rewarding one. These needs include the feeling of perceiving a sense of authority in making decisions or the need for respectful treatment. Once the demand is met, an individual is likely to be satisfied with his or her experiences (Brexendorf, Mühlmeier, Tomczak, & Eisend, 2010). Schutz proposes that interpersonal needs theory contains three main interpersonal needs; that is, affection, inclusion, and control (Lu & Ramsey, 2013). Additionally, individuals create and maintain relationships to meet these three needs (Wood, 2014).


This is the first interpersonal need. The amount of affection that a person requires varies, but all humans desire some degree of affection. Types of affection are diverse, ranging from intimate touch in interpersonal relationships to positive work evaluation in the workplace setting. An individual with a low affection-seeking score only requires simple appreciation or praise in the workplace; in contrast, an individual with a high affection-seeking scores requires more attention and emotional support (Lu & Ramsey, 2013).

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