The Relationship of Human Intelligence With Technique/Technology: From Intelligence Designing Tools to Learning Machines of Cybernetic Culture

The Relationship of Human Intelligence With Technique/Technology: From Intelligence Designing Tools to Learning Machines of Cybernetic Culture

Ali Gurbuz, Ozge Nilay Erbalaban Gürbüz
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8024-9.ch010
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The history of creating technical/technological tools continues, from the days when man designed the first tools to the days when artificial intelligence was designed. In this adventure, which ranges from the production of the first tools to the development of the method of burning fire, from communication tools to the idea of society as a technical abstraction, from war tools to clocks, machines, automatons, and artificial intelligence, will be analyzed the functions of intelligence philosophically and historically. Today's cybernetic societies, where artificial intelligence is developed, are a natural consequence of the technical/technological evolution of human intelligence. In this transition period, where the creation of artificial intelligence and the anthropological future of the human species are discussed together, the perspectives of philosophical culture that are stuck between artificial and natural dilemmas will be explored. Through analysis of Steven Spielberg's Artificial Intelligence film, the meaning of cyber future perception in culture will be revealed.
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The article examines the historical transformations of creating technical / technological tools from the days when man designed the first tools to the days when machines were created, learning under the influence of Cybernetic Culture with a philosophical-historical perspective, and it explores the orientation of human intelligence to a better life in its efforts to bring life, which is prone to disorder, to a regular form. It will analyze the development of the search for better order towards a cybernetic world, where human intelligence leads through technical / technological inventions. In parallel with the increase in the knowledge of humanity, the vital breakthroughs of intelligence in the main haunts leading to the creation of a perfect order will be discussed.

Man’s transition from animal to human has become available due to the development of his intelligence. As human intelligence continues to evolve, so will evolutionary changes. As man, with the help of his intelligence, develops technical tools and adapts to the alienating conditions of these technical tools, human evolution will continue. Man is a creature open to the definition of technique. The technique determines human life in a multidimensional way. By defining the technique, man transforms his own nature and his own consciousness. Technical development from the simplest tools to the most advanced learning machines has guided the entire existence of man. Wiener states that we are in the determination of technique and adapt ourselves according to technique (Wiener, 1989, p. 46).

Since the technique has helped reduce the effort made to live, it also has given life order by determining the way of life. According to the law of entropy, the possibility that everything would drift towards disorder has led to the idea of order having a central function for human life. The technique has helped create a regular life. People who have lived in nature for a long time in the possibility of disorder have realized the importance of creating a regular social life. The lack of order of life in nature has made man feel the benefit of regulating life through technical tools discovered through intelligence. Social order arose from the existence of the idea of pre-social disorder. The challenge of an irregular life has led people to seek a better life and from that point to seek the idea of a better order. Human life on earth has been based on choices between the possibilities of order and disorder. The negativities of disorder have developed ideas for preferring an orderly life for a better life. Technique / technology is one of the means of streamlining the tendency of humanity’s life on earth to disorder. As Wiener states “the machine, like the living organism, is, as I have said, a device which locally and temporarily seems to resist the general tendency for the increase of entropy. By its ability to make decisions it can produce around it a local zone of organization in a world whose general tendency is to run down” (Wiener, 1989, p. 34). These tools for the purification of life from its flaws have also led to the search for the idea of a perfect order. In a world where everything is prone to disorder, the science of cybernetics has arisen from the search for how to establish the idea of a competent order that could make the functioning of the universe flawless. In order to avoid the drift of the established order of life into disorder, it is aimed to achieve the necessary knowledge for a perfect order by combining knowledge on the universe. In light of the problems of order and disorder that Bergson cares about in terms of information theory (Bergson, 2018, p. 285), the science of cybernetics has identified the relationships that the science of the future should be oriented towards. In the article, in the development stages of human life on earth, through the philosophical-historical analysis of technical / technological tools created by the intricate relations of personal and general intelligence, the influence of intelligence will be tried to reveal in the transformations of man’s quest to create a perfect order.

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