The Role of Influencer Trust, Gender Congruency, and Expertise Congruency: A Cross-national Comparison between Douyin and TikTok Users in China and the USA

The Role of Influencer Trust, Gender Congruency, and Expertise Congruency: A Cross-national Comparison between Douyin and TikTok Users in China and the USA

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0912-4.ch013
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This chapter explores the mediation role of influencer trust in gender and expertise congruency effects on consumers' attitudes and purchase intentions, focusing on a cross-national comparison between Douyin users in China and TikTok users in the U.S. It investigates how short video platforms, primarily TikTok and Douyin, have become integral in shaping consumer behavior and trust in influencers. The chapter explores the concepts of gender and expertise congruency in influencer marketing, examining how these factors impact the effectiveness of endorsements and consumer trust. The chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of endorsement effectiveness, contributing to the broader understanding of marketing strategies in the dynamic social media landscape. Through its findings, it provides theoretical and practical implications for marketers and advertisers aiming to enhance the efficiency and credibility of influencer collaborations in different cultural contexts.
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Short video platforms are gaining popularity in both the U.S. and China. Interestingly, TikTok, known as Douyin in China, serves as a comparable social media platform for China-U.S. comparison due to its widespread adoption in both regions. TikTok and Douyin share similar algorithms and formats, making them ideal for cross-cultural analysis. TikTok boasts over 1.7 billion users globally, with Douyin enjoying 750 million daily active users in China (Business of Apps, 2023). Despite bans in India and Iraq in 2021, TikTok remains the fastest-growing app worldwide (Iqbal, 2022). In 2022, there were 80 million active monthly TikTok users in the U.S. (Wallaroo Media, 2022), and as of January 2022, TikTok had 1 billion active monthly users globally (Geyser, 2022).

TikTok's success in advertising earned it the title of Marketer of the Year in 2020 in the U.S. (Ad Age, 2020), generating an estimated $500 million in revenue from the U.S. market alone in 2020 (Zhang & Dotan, 2020). Additionally, it was the most popular iPhone app in the U.S. in 2021 (Geyser, 2022), with continued growth projected in the U.S., reaching 89.7 million users by 2023 (Statista, 2022). Advertisers have capitalized on TikTok's global reach, with a reported 22.9% reach of global adults outside of China each month (Kemp, 2022). Notably, TikTok generated over $39.4 million in the U.S. from iOS alone in the second quarter of 2022 (Statista, 2022).

In the realm of social media, authenticity was once considered the paramount attribute for influencers. However, recent market research involving 700 marketers and creators indicates a shift. Relatability, or genuine connection with the audience, has overtaken authenticity as the primary factor in the influencer industry in 2024 (Aspire, 2024). Furthermore, the same research report reveals that 79% of brands and 89% of creators are now prioritizing TikTok.

The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of gender and expertise congruence between influencers and products on consumers' product attitudes and purchase intentions on short video platforms, specifically TikTok and Douyin. Additionally, the study aims to explore the role of influencer trust in these relationships.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Endorsement Effectiveness: Product attitude and purchase intention are recognized as two dimensions of the effectiveness of influencer endorsements.

Influencer Expertise-Product Congruency: The alignment of an influencer’s specific domain with the category of the product they endorse.

Opinion Leader: Individuals recognized for their early adoption of new technologies and innovative ideas. They possess the capability to influence and spread their views to those actively seeking guidance and insights.

Social Media Influencer: Individuals who have garnered a substantial following on digital platforms by consistently sharing content that resonates with a niche; they start as regular users and cultivate their expertise and reputation over time.

Influencer Gender-Product Congruency: The alignment of an influencer’s gender with the gendered attributes of the product they endorse.

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions: Five key differences in cultural values across societies: Power Distance, Individualism vs. Collectivism, Masculinity vs. Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation, explaining variations in workplace behavior.

Influencer Trust: The confidence consumer place in influencers, based on the influencers’ perceived knowledge and authority in a specific domain of communication.

Celebrity: Individuals who have attained widespread recognition and fame through traditional media channels like film, music, or politics; they are often seen as aspirational figures or embodiments of ideal self-concepts, serving as role model to the public.

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