Understanding Sensory Marketing and Women Consumers' Behavior

Understanding Sensory Marketing and Women Consumers' Behavior

Anabel Sofia Villegas-Garza, Melchor Medina-Quintero, Fernando Ortiz-Rodriguez
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1119-6.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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Sensory marketing has been evolving in tandem with consumer preferences, adapting new techniques to enhance the consumer experience. However, there is a need for gender-based research in sensory marketing, particularly about women. This study aims to analyze the impact of stimuli received through the five senses on consumer satisfaction and subsequent purchase intention among women. For this purpose, 208 questionnaires were distributed to women in Tamaulipas, Mexico, and structural equation modeling using SmartPLS 4 was employed for analysis. The study found that the sense of sight has the greatest influence on consumer satisfaction, while the senses of smell and hearing do not significantly impact this variable. Additionally, the study identified that consumer satisfaction is a significant factor influencing women's purchase intention.
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Sensory Marketing

Companies have been searching for new sources to create value for their customers to differentiate themselves from their competitors (Barrios, 2012; Wibisono & Syah, 2019). In the field of marketing, one of the elements that has been of greatest interest to organizations is the experiences offered to consumers, since it has been shown that it allows understanding of their behavior as Holbrook and Hirschman mentioned in 1982.

The generation of experiences in individuals within their purchasing process can have several positive effects on customers such as boosting purchase intention, generating commitment to the brand, or increasing the perception of the satisfaction of their expectations (Hulten et al., 2009; Randhir et al., 2016; Moreira et al., 2017). Also, through experience marketing as a sales strategy, consumers can be made to remember companies to a greater extent if their senses are effectively stimulated (Koszembar, 2019).

Besides, experience to have a relevant impact, it must be based on the generation of emotions and sensations (Alan et al., 2015; Wibisono & Syah, 2019; Zha et al., 2022). Experiences in marketing can be divided into two types: direct or indirect, the former related to the purchase and consumption of the product or service, and the latter to the messages and communication activities carried out by organizations (Rodas & Montoya, 2018).

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