User Interfaces and Markup Language Programming: The Effects of Interaction Mode on User Performance and Satisfaction

User Interfaces and Markup Language Programming: The Effects of Interaction Mode on User Performance and Satisfaction

Copyright: © 2003 |Pages: 32
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-93177-752-0.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The role of the user interface (interaction mode) is of considerable importance, since the method of interaction can have an impact on both performance and satisfaction with regards to using a programming language. While markup languages are now widely used for Web page and site design and electronic publishing applications, they have not been studied adequately compared with other kinds of languages. The impact of interaction mode, in this case command-based coding, versus using a form-fill-in wizard, is examined, with respect to performance and satisfaction while performing a survey-oriented task. Skill level, which classified users as being either a novice or experienced, was another factor, which was taken into account in this study. The results showed the use of wizards brought about better performance than using the command language, and the difference between modes was far greater for novices rather than experienced users. In addition, using the wizard tended to equalize performance across skill levels. With regards to system satisfaction, there were significant differences between interaction modes, however no differences were reported between skill levels. These differences in performance and satisfaction should be noted and considered when designing interactive systems for programming-related applications.

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