Using Plug-Avatars “hhh” Technology Education as Service-Oriented Virtual Learning Environment in Sliding Mode

Using Plug-Avatars “hhh” Technology Education as Service-Oriented Virtual Learning Environment in Sliding Mode

Vardan Mkrttchian, Mikhail Kataev, Wu-Yuin Hwang, Sarabjeet Singh Bedi, Anna Fedotova
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5162-3.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter aims to show the possibilities of the use of plug-avatars “hhh” technology education as a Service-Oriented Virtual Learning Environment (SOVLE) in Sliding Mode (SM). This allows teachers to create an integrated learning environment using tools that have been selected to best meet their academic requirements and individual abilities of each student's full training in the system of Distance Education (DE). The work reported in this chapter engages with all aspects of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) design and architecture. Thus, created software of plug-avatars “hhh” technology education for SOVLE are applicable for use in DE processes and in virtual research collaboration works at the Astrakhan State University, Tomsk State University of Control System and Radio Electronics (Russian Federation), at HHH University (Australian Federation and the Republic of Armenia), at Rohilkhand University (India), and at National Central University (Taiwan).
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The education has students use knowledge within the process of problem solving to understand and explain the physical world around them. To fully appreciate the real world and other fields such as computer graphics, engineering, and architecture, exploration of 3-D including moving, positioning, orienting, constructing, building, and communicating 3-D objects) is an important topic that should be exercised by students in a learning curriculum (Wu-Yuin Hwang and Shih-Shin Hu, 2013) .

Some researchers conceived the nature of mathematics as the outcome of social process and math knowledge, which is thus understood to be fallible and eternally open to revision both in terms of its proofs and its concepts (Ernest, 1999). In addition to individual exploration of multiple representations for constructing knowledge, which is urged by the development of constructivism, math reform gradually advocates that the interaction of sharing, assessing, and collaborating for discovering the solution with peers and their representations must be implemented in a student’s problem solving process (NCTM, 2000; Wilkins, 2008; Wood, Williams, & McNeal, 2006).

That is, students interact with the instructor, peers, and learning materials to share their thoughts and to verify solutions from multiple viewpoints. Obviously, communicating math concepts through mutual observation and discussion with peers often helps students identify unforeseen perceptions. Due to the lack of examination of the impacts on students’ three-dimensional (3-D) same concepts learning and problem solving caused by synchronous interaction with multiple representations among peers in the SOVLE, this chapter proposed “hhh” education technology, based on the Sliding Mode Control, to facilitate students solving education problems and afterwards to study the effect of peer learning behaviors to learning achievement (Mkrttchian, 2011, 2012, 2013).

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