Video Call-Based Real-Time Crime Reporting System

Video Call-Based Real-Time Crime Reporting System

Priyadarshan Dhabe, Vedika Hatekar, Sagar Wankhade, Ishwari Kulkarni, Rishabh Chaudhary, Divya Deepak Patwari
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9121-5.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Most of the crimes that happen these days don't reach the police either because nobody reports them or there is no real time proof. The citizens don't have the real-time images, videos related to the crime, and hence, it goes unreported. This chapter presents a real-time video call-based crime reporting system, where the crime victim or an eye witness can start an end-to-end encrypted video call with the police present in the nearest police station. A data science approach is used to find the nearest police station. Once the police officer picks up the call, he will get the location of the crime and nearest route to reach the crime spot. Police can even catch the criminals or handle the crime while it is happening. After the video call ends, a recording of that call will also be available to the police.
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There is a huge surge in the number of crimes which are taking place in India. Each new day, a different type of crime emerges. The main job of the police force is the identification and recognition of the criminals (Rasanayagam et al., 2018). But the cops face difficulties in finding the location of crime when it is happening and the correct evidences related to the crime. New advancements in technology are proving helpful to police to prevent the crime incidents and to enhance the overall performance of the police (Byrne & Marx, 2011). Most people don’t find it convenient to go to the police station to report the crime. In such cases, handheld devices like mobile phones and tablets can prove to be a helpful tool in the effective and online reporting of these varied crime incidents (Mcclees, 2019; Sekhri, 2020).

Table 1.
Crimes not reported and their reasons
Type of CrimeNot ReportedDealt with in Another Way/ Personal MatterNot Important Enough to Report
All crimes582027
Aggravated assault443116
Personal larceny411724

Source: (

Key Terms in this Chapter

Real-Time Database: It is a database system that stores dynamic data. It syncs the user data in real-time.

Longitude: It is a coordinate that determines the east-west location of a particular place or point on the surface of the earth. The longitudinal lines run North-South parallel to the Prime Meridian.

Location Tracking: A system through which the current location of a person can be traced along with the directions to reach his location.

NoSQL Database: These Not Only SQL (NoSQL) databases store data in a document format instead of storing it in a tabular format consisting of rows and columns. It does not have a fixed schema and it can store very huge amount of data.

Algorithm: An algorithm contains well-defined set of rules to be followed in order to solve a problem.

Data Science: A field related to extracting and analyzing of data to derive useful insights and inferences from it.

EC2 Instance: EC2 is nothing but Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. It is a server which is virtual and it is used for running applications on AWS.

Short Messaging Service (SMS): It is a communication system that allows the user to send and receive text messages through mobile devices.

Latitude: It is a coordinate that determines the north-south location of a particular place or point on the surface of the earth. The latitudinal lines run East-West parallel to the Equator.

End-to-End Encryption: A system of communication where only the sender and the receiver can read the messages. Any third-party system cannot read the messages as they don’t have any means to decrypt them.

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