Web-Based Learning for Adolescents: Innovation and Challenges

Web-Based Learning for Adolescents: Innovation and Challenges

Cyncia Matsika, Munyaradzi Zhou, Tinashe Gwendolyn Zhou, Wilfreda I. Chawarura
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8318-0.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter assesses the innovations and challenges of web-based learning for adolescents. The technology acceptance model (TAM) was used to establish the determinants for the challenges and innovations of web-based learning for adolescents. Challenges coined include virtual engagement, adaptability, motivation, technical issues, time management, learning styles, destructions, communication skills, and the digital divide. Web-based learning is an emerging and innovative approach to teaching and learning that meets the evolving needs of adolescent learning. Adolescents should embrace the transformation from traditional brick-and-mortar classroom practices to a web-based environment. Stakeholders must continuously overcome the challenges of web-based learning. Future research can concentrate on developing well-defined web-based course content that supports the holistic learning needs of adolescents and the development of a web-based learning model for adolescents.
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Web-based learning refers to the replacement of face to face teaching and learning between student and teacher by using the utmost form of online education via a web browser to promote interactive learning that leads to more productive learning (Bower & Torrington, 2020; Chiemeke & Mike Imafidor, 2020; Means et al., 2009; Tsai & Machado, 2002). Web-based learning also entails various educational interventions that use the Internet (Cook, 2020; Mahalakshmi & Radha, 2020). The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescents as people between 10 and 19 years of age. The digital changes the education systems experienced globally have allowed the incorporation of new teaching and learning methods.

Web-based learning is an ideal solution to satisfy the demands of modern teaching and learning. It proffers a professional, flexible, sustainable, and economical approach to teaching and learning. Integration of formal curricula with just-in-time knowledge benefits the education ecosystem (Marzano & Ochoa-Siguencia, 2017). The research only focused on low-qualified adults and did not consider adolescents. This research study focuses on the challenges faced by adolescents during web-based learning.

Exposure to technological gadgets like smartphones, computers, and tablets ushered in a digital generation of young children (Ali, 2018). In his findings, Doctor. Ali revealed that university students who grew up in the digital era (those born between 1982 and 1991) embraced the power of digital connectedness at a faster rate. However, this particular study did not focus on adolescents. Young people use technological gadgets from very tender ages. Vrasidas (2015) reiterates that the availability of ICT resources is not enough since other supportive factors like teacher readiness are crucial for implementation. Adolescents use technical gadgets for social media communication like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter.

Ms and Toro (2016) discussed the characteristics, disadvantages, and advantages of the current web-based learning environments and the factors that influence the acceptance of these technologies in higher education in general. This study is distinct as it aims at narrowing down the examination of web-based learning to adolescents. The factors that impact the effectiveness of web-based learning in an educational context, the excellence of the teacher, and the educational purpose (Hatcher et al., 2013). For web-based learning to be successful, the teacher must also play a pivotal role.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Educational Technology: Refers to various digital technologies that are used for teaching and learning.

Teaching and Learning: Refers to the impartation and acquisition of knowledge.

Digital Divide: Alludes to the gap between those who do not have access to information and communication technologies and those who do.

Augmented and Virtual Reality: Refers to technologies that simulate a real-life environment.

Video Streaming: Delivering a video file over the internet.

TAM: Alludes to the Technology Acceptance Model.

E-Learning: Refers to learning that is conducted electronically.

Educational Software: Refers to different programs that are used for educational purposes.

Web-Based Learning: Learning via the internet.

Distance Learning: Refers to the physical separation between a student and a teaching during teaching and learning.

Online Learning: Refers to teaching and learning that is conducted over the internet.

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