Why Do We Need Sustainable Digital Marketing?

Why Do We Need Sustainable Digital Marketing?

Nino Tchanturia, Rusudan Dalakishvili
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8681-8.ch020
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The conventional approach to business is not eco-friendly, and as the issue of climate change intensifies, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their preferred companies. Therefore, businesses need to evaluate their impact on the environment. Consumers are becoming more informed about how their purchases affect the environment and more selective about which companies they buy from. According to a survey by IBM, 57% of respondents are willing to alter their buying habits to decrease environmental impact. People want to contribute to ecological preservation, and one way to do so is by using their purchasing power. As a company, it is crucial to provide customers with the opportunity to support environmental sustainability by purchasing your products. This is where sustainable marketing can be beneficial.
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In order to communicate with customers and demonstrate environmentally friendly production, companies must use a sustainable digital marketing plan. Which means, on the one hand, offering sustainable marketing and satisfying customers and businesses in ways that protect the environment, and on the other hand, using digital marketing, digital tactics, and channels to connect with customers, since customers spend the most time in the digital world.

Sustainable marketing is a component of sustainable development, which is confirmed by the World Commission's Brundtland Report as development that meets the needs of the present in order to meet the needs of future generations. The goal of sustainable marketing is to maintain productivity and efficiency by substituting resources with more valuable alternatives to avoid harming ecosystems or impacting natural resources (Kortam & Mahrous, 2020).

Sustainable marketing is seen as a component of the broader field of sustainable development because of its impact on promoting sustainability (Essam & Mahrous, 2019).

The Earth is facing various environmental and social problems such as ecosystem degradation, endangered species, global warming, and resource depletion. Today's development is not sustainable, humanity must adopt a new paradigm of sustainable development that integrates economic, social, and environmental dimensions and meets the needs of present and future generations. A green economy that focuses on sustainable production and consumption patterns can address these challenges by incorporating social and environmental considerations into everyday economic activity. Such an approach can improve overall welfare and equity (Danciu & Marketing, 2013).

Marketing has been a part of the problem of creating unsustainable habits but can also be a part of the solution by making sustainable alternatives desirable. Sustainable marketing can foster more sustainable levels and patterns of consumption by creating sustainable value for consumers while respecting social and environmental limits. The current development pattern based on excessive production and consumption has negative consequences on the economy, society, and environment, necessitating a shift towards sustainable development (Danciu & Marketing, 2013).

The evolution of marketing and sustainability over several decades, with the term “sustainable marketing” being introduced only recently. Marketing has evolved from a product-driven approach to a consumer-centric focus, and now we are witnessing the emergence of a value-driven era, Marketing 3.0. The current socio-economic landscape is shaped by technology and globalization, and consumers expect organizations to provide solutions that make the world a better place to live. Despite contributing to economic growth, marketing has also attracted considerable criticism (Seretny & Seretny, 2012).

The fundamental principle of sustainable marketing is to minimize the harmful impact on the environment while creating lasting value for consumers and society by promoting socially and environmentally responsible products, services, and practices. In today's world, consumers are increasingly concerned about environmental and social issues and are looking for products and services that align with their values. Sustainable marketing offers companies a way to satisfy their needs, as well as promote the brand and build a positive reputation (Rotschedl & Čermáková, 2014).

One of the main principles of sustainable marketing is an emphasis on transparency and honesty. Companies that implement sustainable marketing should be open and transparent, including in terms of environmental impact and social responsibility. Another important aspect of sustainable marketing is the use or production of environmentally friendly products and services. Companies can develop products that are made from sustainable materials, such as recycled or biodegradable materials. They can also offer services that promote sustainability, such as energy-efficient appliances or green transportation (Pogrebova, Konnikov, & Yuldasheva, 2017).

In addition to environmentally friendly products and services, sustainable marketing also includes the use of green advertising. This may include promoting the environmental benefits of a product or service, using sustainable messaging and imagery in advertisements, or highlighting a company's commitment to sustainability (Katrandjiev, n.d.).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Sustainable Marketing: Sustainable marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on promoting socially and environmentally responsible products, services, and practices.

Consumer Demand: Refers to the level of desire or needs that exists among consumers for a particular product or service at a given time. It is a measure of the quantity of a product or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a certain price point. Consumer demand is influenced by various factors, including changes in consumer preferences, economic conditions, market trends, and product availability. Understanding consumer demand is important for businesses because it can help them determine the level of production and pricing needed to meet customer needs and maximize profitability.

Sustainable Materials: Are materials that are produced, used, and disposed of in a way that minimizes their negative impact on the environment and human health. They are typically made from renewable or recycled resources and are designed to be long-lasting and biodegradable. The use of sustainable materials is becoming increasingly important in many industries as a way to reduce waste, conserve resources, and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Digital Marketing Refers: To the use of various digital channels and technologies to promote products or services to potential customers. It includes a wide range of tactics, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and content marketing. Digital marketing has become increasingly important in recent years as more consumers turn to digital channels to research products, compare prices, and make purchasing decisions. The demand for digital marketing has grown as businesses seek to reach these consumers and compete in an increasingly crowded marketplace. Digital marketing allows businesses to target specific demographics and measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts in real-time, providing valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences. As a result, businesses are investing more resources into digital marketing to drive sales, increase brand awareness, and build customer loyalty.

Green Advertising: Includes promoting the environmental benefits of a product or service, using sustainable messaging and imagery in ads, or highlighting the company's commitment to sustainability.

Sustainable Digital Marketing: Can be described as the various methods used to promote an environmentally conscious business online in a sustainable and ethical manner. It involves marketing a company's sustainable and ethical products or services, as well as eco-friendly practices, in a way that is beneficial for both the business, the planet, and society in the long term.

Green Products: Refer to goods and services that are produced and marketed with a focus on their environmental sustainability. These products are designed to have a lower impact on the environment compared to traditional products, often by using sustainable materials, reducing waste, and minimizing energy use in production and distribution. Green products can range from household items such as cleaning supplies and personal care products to larger consumer goods such as cars and appliances. The use of green products is becoming increasingly popular as consumers become more environmentally conscious and seek out products that align with their values. Green products can also be certified by third-party organizations to ensure that they meet specific environmental standards, providing additional assurance to consumers.

Consumer Preferences: Refer to the choices and priorities of individual consumers in the marketplace. These preferences are shaped by various factors such as personal values, needs, wants, and beliefs, as well as external factors such as marketing, advertising, and cultural influences. Understanding consumer preferences is important for businesses because it can help them develop products, services, and marketing strategies that better meet the needs and wants of their target customers.

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