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What is Model of Diffusion (External Determinants)

Handbook of Research on E-Government in Emerging Economies: Adoption, E-Participation, and Legal Frameworks
a theoretical approach considering that external determinants such as the international organizations or the states are also playing a major role in the adoption of a new public policy.
Published in Chapter:
Is Romania Ready for Nation-Wide Public e-Services?: Five Factors to Consider before Adopting an E-Government Public Policy
Virgil Stoica (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) and Andrei Ilas (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0324-0.ch037
In 2009, the Romanian Government engaged itself to the ambitious goal of providing most of the traditional administration services through electronic means. The authors’ larger aim is to assess the policy’s chances of success by looking both at the history and the current level of e-development in Romania. While most of governments’ actions are incremental, only marginally modifying existing programs or practices, the e-government policies around the world do not necessarily fall within this model. However, even the miraculous advancements depend on specific realities. Based on the relevant literature, the authors consider the way towards the success of a nation-wide e-government public policy as being paved by several major pre-requisites: educated citizenry, adequate technical infrastructures, offering of e-services that citizens need, commitment from top government officials, and membership in international organizations supporting e-government development. Results stress the importance of the EU membership and the disequilibrium between the level of Romanians’ e-knowledge and that of governmental e-services. The chapter concludes that in the case of Romania, a successful e-government policy should primarily target the raise of citizens’ Internet and computer related skills.
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