Are stand-alone systems or systems that help users to make decisions incorporating available data from different sensing, in a way to control and make smart actions.
Published in Chapter:
Augmented Intelligence: Leverage Smart Systems
João M.F. Rodrigues (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal & LARSyS, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Lisbon, Portugal),
Pedro J.S. Cardoso (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal & LARSyS, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Lisbon, Portugal),
Jânio Monteiro (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal & INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal), and
Célia M.Q. Ramos (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal & CIEO, Portugal)
Copyright: © 2020
|Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2112-0.ch001
Smart systems make decisions incorporating data available from different sensing in a way to control and make smart actions. In this context, smart actions consist in augmenting user's actions and/or decisions by using devices or additional information. Those actions could and should be different from user to user, depending on its characteristics and needs. To obtain smart actions adapted to the users, it is necessary to detect the user's individualities on-the-fly. This chapter focuses on how augmented intelligence can leverage smart systems, addressing: (a) the definitions and relations of artificial intelligence, augmented intelligence, and smart systems, namely the state of the art on how to extract human features that can be used to develop augmented intelligent systems (using only computer vision methods); (b) a brief explanation of a “describing people integrated framework”, a framework to extract user information automatically without any user intervention; and (c) a description of several implemented smart systems, including a future work perspective.