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What is The Skubiszewski Doctrine of Zero Problems with Neighbors

Dealing With Regional Conflicts of Global Importance
This stands as a strategic blueprint crafted by Krzysztof Skubiszewski, the first foreign policy minister of the Third Republic of Poland. He not only envisioned but successfully realized a geostrategic framework for ensuring a secure neighborhood. Skubiszewski's proactive approach involved active dialogue with all seven neighbors of Poland since 1989. His enduring achievements were fortified by a determined push for the renewal of mutually and bilaterally recognized treaties, solidifying Poland's status as a regional leader in peacemaking initiatives. During his tenure, Poland earned the distinction of being the first country to recognize several post-Soviet republics, including Ukraine. Despite evolving into the policy of No Problems with International Actors who Respect the Rule of International Law and Territorial Integrity after 2008, 2014, 2015, and 2022, Skubiszewski's doctrine retained its core principles. Successors such as Geremek, Bartoszewski, and Sikorski diligently continued this vital project. However, given recent challenges and the rapid deterioration of regional stability, it is crucial to reaffirm and uphold the principles of the Skubiszewski Doctrine to safeguard Poland's interests and regional peace.
Published in Chapter:
Poland, a Benign but Not a Naïve Power in Its Response to Russia's War in Ukraine (2022-Present): Assertive Pursuit of Enlightened Self-Interest – Forging New Alliances and Strengthening Existing Ones
Piotr Pietrzak (Sofia University, Bulgaria)
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 37
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9467-7.ch007
The chapter investigates an interesting twist in the bilateral relations between Ukraine and Poland under the Morawiecki Government. It discusses the main reasons that led Morawiecki to drastically change from a very generous response to Russia's invasion to an openly hostile stance after Zelensky's UN Speech. The chapter explores the rationale that led Morawiecki to impose an embargo on Ukrainian grain and other agricultural commodities during the summer of 2023. It deliberates on the post-2023 improvement of these relations after the formation of the Tusk government. It exemplifies that even if certain disagreements over the scale of the offered assistance arise in the countries that eagerly helped Ukraine since February 2022, those disagreements can be appropriately dealt with. The ferocity of Putin's war against Ukraine failed to discourage Ukraine's most loyal friends from stepping up their support. Paradoxically for Putin, despite all his efforts to turn such a scenario into an undesirable one, Ukraine today is much closer to becoming a full EU and NATO member than ever.
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