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Special Issue from the 14th International Academic MindTrek Conference 2010, Tampere, Finland
Volume 4
Editorial Preface
For Volume 4, Issue 4
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Volume 4
Published: Oct 1, 2012
DOI: 10.4018/jaci.2012100101
Volume 4
Mark Lochrie, Kate Lund, Paul Coulton
In general location based games have failed to achieve wide scale adoption that many predicted and the only such game that can truly claim wide scale success is Geocaching. Arguably this is... Show More
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Lund, Kate, et al. "Designing Scalable Location Based Games that Encourage Emergent Behaviour." IJACI vol.4, no.4 2012: pp.1-20.


Lund, K., Lochrie, M., & Coulton, P. (2012). Designing Scalable Location Based Games that Encourage Emergent Behaviour. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 4(4), 1-20.


Lund, Kate, Mark Lochrie, and Paul Coulton. "Designing Scalable Location Based Games that Encourage Emergent Behaviour," International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) 4, no.4: 1-20.

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Published: Oct 1, 2012
DOI: 10.4018/jaci.2012100102
Volume 4
Päivi Pöyry-Lassila, Anna Salmi, Juha Kronqvist
This paper examines the employment of design methods in combination with SimLab™ process simulation method in the context of developing IT-based support and processes for the fuzzy-front end... Show More
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Salmi, Anna, et al. "Supporting Empathetic Boundary Spanning in Participatory Workshops with Scenarios and Personas." IJACI vol.4, no.4 2012: pp.21-39.


Salmi, A., Pöyry-Lassila, P., & Kronqvist, J. (2012). Supporting Empathetic Boundary Spanning in Participatory Workshops with Scenarios and Personas. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 4(4), 21-39.


Salmi, Anna, Päivi Pöyry-Lassila, and Juha Kronqvist. "Supporting Empathetic Boundary Spanning in Participatory Workshops with Scenarios and Personas," International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) 4, no.4: 21-39.

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Published: Oct 1, 2012
DOI: 10.4018/jaci.2012100103
Volume 4
Teresa Chambel, Luís A. R. Neng
Video is a very powerful medium that integrates moving images and sound, allowing people to capture and present events and scenarios with great authenticity and realism. However, in traditional... Show More
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Neng, Luís A. R., and Teresa Chambel. "Get Around 360º Hypervideo Its Design and Evaluation." IJACI vol.4, no.4 2012: pp.40-57.


Neng, L. A. & Chambel, T. (2012). Get Around 360º Hypervideo Its Design and Evaluation. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 4(4), 40-57.


Neng, Luís A. R., and Teresa Chambel. "Get Around 360º Hypervideo Its Design and Evaluation," International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) 4, no.4: 40-57.

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Published: Oct 1, 2012
DOI: 10.4018/jaci.2012100104
Volume 4
Artur Lugmayr
Ambient media is a new form of media, which deals with media objects that mediate information throughout the natural environment of people. In ambient media environments, the media becomes part of... Show More
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Lugmayr, Artur. "Ambient Media Culture: What Needs to be Discussed When Defining Ambient Media from a Media Cultural Viewpoint?." IJACI vol.4, no.4 2012: pp.58-64.


Lugmayr, A. (2012). Ambient Media Culture: What Needs to be Discussed When Defining Ambient Media from a Media Cultural Viewpoint?. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 4(4), 58-64.


Lugmayr, Artur. "Ambient Media Culture: What Needs to be Discussed When Defining Ambient Media from a Media Cultural Viewpoint?," International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) 4, no.4: 58-64.

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