Assessing Spatial Design in Virtual Environments

Andrew Cram (Macquarie University, Australia), Russell Lowe (University of New South Wales, Australia), and Katy Lumkin (NSW Department of Education and Communities, Australia)
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 123
EISBN13: 9781466665194|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4470-0.ch003
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There is growing interest in adopting three-dimensional virtual environments within spatial design courses to use digital modelling techniques to support students' learning. One pedagogical issue that has received little attention so far is the question of how 3D virtual environments can be used to implement assessment techniques that support students' learning of spatial design expertise. This chapter seeks to assist spatial design educators who are considering digital modelling by presenting two case studies that highlight assessment practices within spatial design courses using virtual environments. Rubrics and student work samples are included. These courses both involve students creating architectural designs within virtual environments, yet contrast in several ways: learning outcomes, 3D modelling technologies, and student cohorts. The cases examine how the affordances of virtual environments for iterative, immersive, and collaborative design can enable formative and summative assessment, with both design process and the final artefact playing important roles.
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