The Design and Implementation of Paperless Medical System (PMS) for Offshore Operating Company: A Structured Approach

Nabil Ghalib (Business International Group, UAE)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 83
EISBN13: 9781466628946|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2220-3.ch005
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Application software development has always been viewed as a massive challenge by companies that view IT services as a support function rather than a core function. The term “core” here implies that IT plays an enabler role to facilitate technology and services that support users to meet set business objectives in an efficient way. Furthermore, IT development is perceived by many managers as a burden; hence, they prefer the fast track implementation of specialized packages to deliver the majority of service levels over the long wait for systems to be built in-house, even though the latter option is more advantageous in the long run, as it offers a much better fit to all user requirements. With this dilemma in mind, this case is an example of how an in-house development solution was implemented. The case touches on positive and negative aspects of the decision to build the application and covers a range of issues encountered during every phase of the development life cycle.
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