Innovative Concepts and Techniques of Data Analytics in Edge Computing Paradigms

Soumya K. (Kristu Jayanti College, India), Margaret Mary T. (Kristu Jayanti College, India), and Clinton G. (Sambhram Institute of Technology, India)
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 152
EISBN13: 9781799885726|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4873-8.ch007
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Edge analytics is an approach to data collection and analysis in which an automated analytical computation is performed on data at a sensor, network switch, or other device instead of waiting for the data to be sent back to a centralized data store. Cloud computing has revolutionized how people store and use their data; however, there are some areas where cloud is limited; latency, bandwidth, security, and a lack of offline access can be problematic. To solve this problem, users need robust, secure, and intelligent on-premise infrastructure for edge computing. When data is physically located closer to the users who connected to it, information can be shared quickly, securely, and without latency. In financial services, gaming, healthcare, and retail, low levels of latency are vital for a great digital customer experience. To improve reliability and faster response times, combing cloud with edge infrastructure from APC by Schneider electrical is proposed.
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