Learning without Boundaries : Designing and Teaching an E-Learning Program in Horticulture and Environmental Science

Elena Verezub (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 260
EISBN13: 9781609602314|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-751-0.ch014
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Technological innovations have transformed the boundaries of research priorities within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. In line with research priorities set by NCVER, Swinburne University of Technology has made an ongoing commitment to the development of research that aims at improving the flexible delivery of program for students in the Training and Further Education (TAFE) sector. The present study showcases a research project conducted at Swinburne. The aim of the project was to design an e-learning program for students studying within the Department of Horticulture and Environmental Science, with an additional focus on improving students’ reading comprehension of hypertexts in the subject-specific context. This case study also discusses social and educational, technological, economic as well as political/organizational issues the project had to deal with.
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