Management Response to Improve the Educational Performance of Engineering Students: The Case of the Lebanese International University

Bassam Hussein (Lebanese International University, Lebanon), Ali Hage-Diab (Lebanese International University, Lebanon), Mohammad Hammoud (Lebanese International University, Lebanon), Anwar Kawtharani (Lebanese International University, Lebanon), Hisham El-Hage (Lebanese International University, Lebanon), and Amin Haj-Ali (Lebanese International University, Lebanon)
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 110
EISBN13: 9781466659049|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5067-1.ch006
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This case presents the managerial techniques applied to improve the quality of engineering education at the largest private university in Lebanon, the Lebanese International University (LIU). As the university grew rapidly since its inception 10 years ago, it faced serious challenges in fulfilling a key objective of its mission, which is to empower students to be culturally engaged to achieve innovative outcomes. A team was put together to identify cultural factors affecting quality of education, students’ achievement, assess their impact, and propose a plan of action. The findings led to a series of actions aimed at improving English language proficiency, smoothing high school/college transition, encouraging hands on laboratory experience, establishing industrial COOP program, and preparing for international accreditation. The new programs have been in effect for approximately one year. Quantitative evaluation of the programs is not yet fully available. Nevertheless, there are already some tangible indicators that suggest successful outcomes.
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