Sarcopenia in Older People

Karen Cordovil (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil), Masato Hada (Independent Researcher, Japan), Zagami Francesco (Tabaka Mission Hospital, Kenya), Adil Al-Harthi (King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Arabia), and Taha Hussein Musa (Southeast University, China)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 156
EISBN13: 9798369301777|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-2354-7.ch007
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Sarcopenia is a generalized loss of muscle mass affecting muscle function and strength with age. The cause of sarcopenia is multifactorial and physiopathological mechanisms, including the decline of neuron numbers, changes in muscle metabolism, oxidative damage, reduced response to nutrients, and inflammation throughout proinflammatory cytokines that increase myofibrillar protein degradation and decrease protein synthesis. This chapter presents two case reports about sarcopenia and its associated multimorbidity impact on elderly patients. Sarcopenia in the elderly, when it advances to generalized muscle wasting, is mainly associated with multimorbidity which becomes a diagnostic, therapeutic, and palliative challenge to the physician; in these cases, a multidisciplinary approach is best for appropriate diagnosis and management results in a high-quality patient care setting.
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