Case Study for Counseling Same Sex Couples Through the Fertility Process: Jane and Kelsey

Meredith A. Rausch (Augusta University, USA) and Haley D. Wikoff (Western Illinois University, USA)
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 88
EISBN13: 9781799819950|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0022-4.ch004
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Fertility and reproductive technologies are increasingly important topics for counseling LGBT+ individuals. As legislation improves, lesbian couples have additional opportunities to expand their families. Professional counselors may be aware of the various fertility methods (e.g., artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization), but may lack understanding of the specific differences inherent in the process for two females. Lesbians also face barriers present in a heteronormative society. This chapter describes a counseling relationship with a lesbian couple who are working through the fertility process. When performing counseling work, using the multicultural and social justice competencies allows the counselor to provide ethical practice. The counselors use Relational-Cultural Theory, a feminist theory, to help Jane and Kelsey set goals consistent with the tenets of the theory. Additionally, the counseling team and couple work through the unique barriers a lesbian couple faces when experiencing the fertility process in a heteronormative society.
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