Scouting as Community Support Opportunities for the Underserved to Exceed

Ursula Thomas (Perimeter College, Georgia State University, USA)
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 31
EISBN13: 9781799865421|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3285-0.ch002
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It is absolutely critical that we have grand conversations about supporting young males of color in our communities. Though this conversation is now front and center, it has not always been this way. There have always been some organizations that were having this conversation behind closed doors and quietly. Historic organizations like the Boy Scouts of America have acted as a conduit to allow communities of color to mentor and support their boys and young men in ways that were authentic to the needs of the community and the resources that the community had to offer. This case study examines that infrastructure and those resources through the eyes of an executive leader within Boy Scouts of America who is also an African American male. This is a case study of nonprofit accountability within communities of color.
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