The Effects of Systematic Reflection on Teacher SEL Skills

Dana Lynn Januszka (National University, USA)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 115
EISBN13: 9798369307526|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7556-0.ch005
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The potential connections between teachers' personal SEL skills of self-management and self-awareness and the effective application of reflective practices were explored in this action research study. This focus area is supported by the work of John Dewey (who is thought to be the founder of reflection for personal learning) and Donald Schon (who is credited with linking reflection to professional development and professional practice.) This study found that teachers who frequently use a variety of reflective practices as a part of their routine have stronger personal SEL skills as evidenced by teachers who reported using three or more reflective activities on a regular basis. Additionally, the results showed that those who use reflection regularly have high expectations, the desire to grow, and modify their plans as they learn, but need assistance with goal-setting. Practical suggestions for school counselors and teacher collaboration to improve skills are also provided.
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