Why Professional Development Is the Key to High Quality Provision in EMI Higher Education EAP in the Age of COVID-19

Gareth Richard Morris (Perse School, Suzhou, China), Ji Zhang (Perse School, Suzhou, China), and Xitong Dai (Perse School, Suzhou, China)
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 267
EISBN13: 9781668476154|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4148-0.ch011
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The purpose of this chapter is to introduce readers to some of the ideas behind why professional development is essential for best quality provision in EMI higher education EAP courses. The chapter begins by discussing higher education, EAP, and professional development before focusing on the role professional development plays in ensuring EAP courses are as well designed and delivered as possible. It also goes on to consider some of the challenges education providers face in ensuring that high quality PD is available to EAP teachers before considering ways in which it can be provided even when circumstances are taxing.
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