Workcenter SGD: A Technology-Based Revolution in the Retail Reprography Sector

Cristina Cruz (Instituto de Empresa, Spain), Guillermo de Haro (Instituto de Empresa, Spain), and Ignacio de la Vega (Instituto de Empresa, Spain)
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 184
EISBN13: 9781613500316|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-612-9.ch008
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In 1999 Alfonso de Senillosa, Spanish entrepreneur, after finishing his studies in the United States, decided to create Workcenter SGD. The company was born on the basis of following the same idea and services that Kinko’s® created successfully in the United States, with nearly 1,300 retail stores devoted to reprographic services. Nevertheless, in four years the company went far ahead of the original idea, developing new technologies that helped manage the growth, control operations, and reduce costs. By 2005 the company had grown up to 20 stores all over Spain and Senillosa was celebrating his 38th birthday while deciding his next step in the company’s future leveraging on the technology and operations already designed.
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