A Comparative Study of Cloud Databases: Analyzing Microsoft Azure, IBM db2, and Oracle Cloud

A Comparative Study of Cloud Databases: Analyzing Microsoft Azure, IBM db2, and Oracle Cloud

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0593-5.ch002
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The adoption of cloud-based services has been on the rise in recent years. In this study, a comparative study of three major cloud database platforms, namely Microsoft Azure, IBM DB2, and Oracle Cloud, was conducted to analyze their features, performance, and suitability for different use cases. This chapter explores the architectures of these platforms, examines their database management tools, and evaluates their support for scalability, security, and data integration. In the experiment section, Oracle performed the best with an average execution time of 3.35ms, which was the fastest of the three databases. In the survey section, the results show that MS Azure is the most available, secure, cost effective, and efficient. Oracle can be seen from the survey responses as the most reliable and also most cost effective. This chapter gives insightful information to organizations and people who want to pick the finest cloud database platform for their requirements.
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1.0 Introduction

A database, according to Britannica (2023) also known as an electronic database, refers to a curated assortment of data or information that is purposefully arranged to enable quick searching and retrieval by a computer. Databases are designed in a structured manner to streamline the storage, retrieval, modification, and removal of data while working alongside different data-processing tasks. Databases have become an integral part of modern life, supporting a wide range of applications and services we use daily. From online banking and e-commerce platforms to healthcare systems and transportation management, databases are the foundation for many applications that make our lives more convenient and efficient.

The concept of a database has been around for centuries, dating back to the days of clay tablets and papyrus scrolls. However, the development of electronic databases in the 1960s and 1970s marked a significant turning point in how information was stored and managed. Today, electronic databases have become the norm, with virtually every business, organization, and government agency relying on them to manage and analyze data. A database management system (DBMS) is a software package to store, retrieve, query, and manage data. User interfaces (UIs) allow data to be created, read, updated, and deleted by authorized entities.

DBMSs provide an efficient and secure way of storing, organizing, and managing large amounts of data. They enable businesses and organizations to access and manipulate data easily, allowing for improved decision-making and analysis. Some common DBMS examples include Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2.

A critical aspect of a DBMS is the ability to enforce data integrity and security through various mechanisms such as access control and encryption. Additionally, DBMSs provide features such as backup and recovery, replication, and scalability to guarantee constant availability and accessibility of data. Several cloud service providers offer cloud database services, including Microsoft Azure, IBM DB2, and Oracle Cloud. These cloud service providers offer a range of features and capabilities to store and manage data in the Cloud.

Microsoft Azure by Microsoft provides numerous database services, including Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, and Azure Database for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB. These services offer high availability, built-in intelligence, and scalability for applications of any size. Azure also offers hybrid cloud capabilities, allowing organizations to integrate their existing on-premises infrastructure with the Cloud.

IBM DB2 provides a suite of cloud database services, including IBM Cloud SQL Query, IBM Cloudant, and IBM Db2 on Cloud. These services provide developers and data scientists powerful tools to ingest, store, and analyze data at scale. IBM also offers robust security and compliance features, making it an attractive option for businesses that require high levels of security and data protection.

Oracle Cloud provides many cloud database services, including Oracle Autonomous Database, Oracle Database Cloud Service, and Oracle MySQL Cloud Service. These services provide a range of deployment options, including single-node, high-availability,

and sharded database architectures, and support for various data types, such as organized, semi-organized, and unorganized data. Oracle also provides advanced analytics capabilities and tools for data integration and management (Khan et a., 2020).

While cloud databases have become increasingly popular for managing data, businesses and organizations. It still faces significant challenges in choosing the right provider. With multiple cloud database providers offering different features and capabilities, it can be challenging to determine which provider offers the best value and performance for specific use cases. In addition, concerns over data security, compliance, and vendor lock-in can complicate the decision-making process. Various other researches such as (Wankhede et al., 2020) also attempted to carry out comparative researches on Cloud Platforms.

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