Arabic Observatory for Websites and Social Media (AOWSM)

Arabic Observatory for Websites and Social Media (AOWSM)

Esam Alwagait
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 6
DOI: 10.4018/ijksr.2014040101
(Individual Articles)
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Ranking of the web sites and organizations is vital to maintain the quality of service and obtain improvements where possible. Arabic Observatory for Websites and Social Media (AOWSM) is a system that takes into consideration the web presence of organizations and ranks them based on different metrics and standards that are described later in the paper. This paper presents an introductory study about the AOWSM and describes its working, limitations, and modules. AOWSM is set to make its way for becoming a standard in the ranking of the organizations based on their quality of web services, presence, and standards.
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1. Introduction

Ranking is an instrument to categorize the commodities with respect to the trustworthiness that they owe, based on the parameters of the examiner. The availability of the service is of prime interest when the quality of service is to be measured. Shahzad (E.Alwagait, B.Shahzad, & S.Alim, 2014; Basit Shahzad & Alwagait, 2013) has discussed that the utilization of technology in the academics and has identified some parameters in this regard that help evaluation the quality of service. Many other parameters may be considered while considering the ranking of the services. Ranking of the web services is vital as they are important to be considered. Menaces (Menasce, 2002) has identified some issues that need to be considered in evaluating the quality of service while Keller (Keller & Ludwig, 2003) has proposed a framework that helps in measuring the quality of service for a given website. Altman and Alwagait (Altman & Felciano, 2000; Alwagait & Shahzad, 2014) have identified that how the web services can be graded and evaluated within limited time. Almudmigh (Al-Mudimigh, Ullah, & Shahzad, 2010) proposed a methodology that is helpful in implementing the portals effectively. Shahzad (B. Shahzad, 2014; B. Shahzad & Al-Mudimigh, 2010; B. Shahzad, Aziz, & said, 2014; B Shahzad & Said, 2014) has addressed the possible risks in implementing the portals.

AWOSM, although in the testing stage, yet it has the tendency to be considered as a powerful statistical ranking web tool for the reputable organizations all over the world because of its tendency to rank the web tools. AOWSM’s objective is to empower its customers by offering them the facility to monitor their ranks to help them in taking business decisions based on statistical data.

AOWSM calculates the rank of the organization based on the following main factors:

  • 1- Its position on the social media (Facebook, Twitter).

  • 2- Its activities over the search engines (Google, Bing).

  • 3- Geographical location where the website is hosted.

  • 4- Website’s position on both Alexa & W3C (which validates the website standards).

It is deemed important that the base statistics used to evaluate the quality of service are precise, accurate, and not affected by external malfunctioning. Da Cruz (da Cruz, Campos, Pires, & Campos, 2004) has proposed a log based architecture that helps in monitoring and evaluation the web services. In order to ensure that only genuine statistics are used, it is important to understand the baseline fort social media portals that are used to calculate the overall ranking. Fletcher (Fletcher, 2010) has demonstrated how Facebook is increasing its privacy and securing itself against the external threats of malware sharing and expansion. For the social media, it takes into consideration the ‘share’ on Facebook and ‘retweets’ on Twitter. They are more consolidated features as compared to ‘like’ and ‘tweet’ on Facebook and Twitter respectively as they are more user intensive. The second parameter determines the “friendliness” of a specific site on search engines like Google and Bing. The evaluation process also takes into consideration the domain name of the organization and the number of its sub-domains. The evaluation process lastly considers the organization’s web position on Alexa and its compliance with W3C.

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