Consumer Perceptions on Security, Privacy, and Trust on E-Portals

Consumer Perceptions on Security, Privacy, and Trust on E-Portals

Anuradha Reddy, G. V. Bhavani Prasad
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/ijom.2012040102
(Individual Articles)
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With the introduction of Internet and e-commerce many companies have been performing their business transactions through e-portals. Increasing technology has bought tremendous changes in online business transactions (buying and selling). This paper examines consumer perceptions of varying characteristics of e-portals, identifies various factors that influence consumer trust and privacy e-portals, and analyzes how various security and privacy factors affect consumer perceptions toward e-portals. A survey questionnaire consisting 21 questions was developed and mailed to 150 e-commerce (B2B and B2C) consumers in 3 emirates of UAE wherein 108 individuals responded. Questions were developed from a literature review of news, as well as security and privacy issues. Factor analysis that included principal component analysis and varimax rotation was performed on all multiple scale items that determined retention of items. Results indicated that most participants are concerned about security and privacy issues while they are using e-portals, but few participants stated that security is the main issue that creates a barrier for their online shopping. Most participants are not aware of internet privacy and security policies and are not interested in knowing technology used for security of e-portals.
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Security, Privacy, And Trust

Web Site Designing-Crucial Concerns

Designing of a website is one of the critical parts of internet marketing strategies as well in addressing security concerns of customers/consumers. Characteristics that are generally emphasized in website categories are navigation, privacy and security that develop trust. A website needs to be viewed as a virtual store from the consumer’s standpoint and needs to gain customer’s trust in order to create a meaningful shopping experience. Consumer’s online interaction through the website can be co-related to the experience at a store in person. Naturally, consumers develop perceptions of trust basing on their website interaction and experience. However, trust of a consumer developed on website depends on the extent of confidence on security and safety of the portal. Only basing on these factors consumer’s perceptions are formed either positive or otherwise. Level of satisfaction derived by a customer by a portal depends to a great extent on the authenticity and believability of information offered by a portal (Bart et al., 2005).

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