‘Grey Model'-Based Simulation Tool for Predictive Product Quality Control

‘Grey Model'-Based Simulation Tool for Predictive Product Quality Control

Leonid Burstein
DOI: 10.4018/IJAMSE.2017070102
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A modified grey model is represented for predicting the product quality index and generating the grey process control chart. The model considers the first sample datum in the numerical solution of the whitened differential equation. This datum is introduced by the refitting smoothed cumulative values and numerical solution of the whitened equation with the last value as initial point. Values predicted in this manner and those predicted in the regular GM (1,1) model were calculated with a specially elaborated MATLAB program. The numbers obtained were compared with reference data. The modified model demonstrates higher accuracy compared to the regular GM as demonstrated by several actual examples. The proposed model is used to design a special simulation tool. The graphical interface of the tool allows to the user to introduce the sample data, control limits and required mean value. After this, the tool outputs the predicted quality index with its error and generates a process control chart with the predicted product quality index.
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Control Chart, Government Grey Model Equations, Adopted Methodology And Scheme Of Calculations

To study and demonstrate a quality parameter changes over time, a control chart is used. A control chart has data, a centerline, and two limiting lines – an upper line for the upper control limit (UCL) and a lower line for the lower control limit (LCL). Data are presented usually in time order. If the time gap is equal, the data can be presented in serial order as in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Typical view of the process control chart (generated in MATLAB with the control chart command)


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