Incentives & Freebies as a Moderator for Opt-In E-Mail Acceptability

Incentives & Freebies as a Moderator for Opt-In E-Mail Acceptability

Rajesh Kumar Sinha, Subhojit Banerjee
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/ijom.2012100104
(Individual Articles)
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The inexpensive and extremely popular nature of e-mails with a large number of people using it on a daily basis has resulted in indiscriminate exploitation of the medium by spam senders. In order to control the menace of spam mails, governments of many countries have come up with strong preventive laws. This makes opt-in e-mail marketing a focus area as overcoming legal hurdles is necessary in running any e-mail marketing campaign successfully. Marketing e-mails can be seen as an interactive tool to get relevant external information. But consumers weigh costs and benefits arising out of adopting any particular method of information search. Positive perception towards cost-benefit arising out of marketing e-mails can result in permission opts-in from consumers. Extending the idea of cost-benefit perception, the study uses various incentive conditions to find the moderating impact on the relationship between willingness to receive commercial e-mails from mobile handset marketers and consumer involvement conditions for the same. The planned hypotheses were tested by conducting a questionnaire among 105 post-graduate students studying in two colleges. The results indicate limited ability of incentive conditions to function as a moderator between involvement and willingness. The paper contributes towards the advancement of research in this area and provides useful insights for campaign planners as well.
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Background & Purpose Of The Study

With increase of popularity of e-mails and due to its inexpensive nature many marketers had used it in exploitative way. It resulted in the problem of huge amount of spam mails causing clogging of Internet, frustration among users and financial and other type of losses for the IT infrastructure providers. Further irresponsible users of e-mail damaged the interest of responsible direct marketers as well.

With increased regulation and technical capabilities it has become possible to thwart spam mails to a great extent. E-mail service providers have provided the users with the option of designating a particular mail source as spam source; they also have established technological systems to filter mails of suspected spammers and alongside they provisioned the system of junk mail box to filter suspected spam mails.

Governments in different countries (including U.S., UK, etc.) have come with laws to prevent spam senders. Laws state that receivers’ permission is mandatory for sending commercial messages.

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