A Study of the Effects of Competitive Team-Based Learning and Structured Academic Controversy on the Language Proficiency of Iranian EFL College Seniors

A Study of the Effects of Competitive Team-Based Learning and Structured Academic Controversy on the Language Proficiency of Iranian EFL College Seniors

Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini
DOI: 10.4018/javet.2012100105
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This paper presents reports on an experimental study which intended to look into and compare the possible effects of this researcher’s instructional innovation, Competitive Team-Based Learning (CTBL), with Structured Academic Controversy (SAC) – the most popular method of Cooperative Learning (CL) -- on language proficiency of Iranian EFL college students. This goal, the intention to compare the effects of the select teaching methods on the dependent variable of the study, was addressed with respect to different-level achievers (i.e., low, average, and high achievers) of the target group in the field study, in Iran. Out of a total population of 68, forty EFL senior college students at Bojnord Azad University, in Iran, were selected to serve the study, after conducting a test of English language proficiency. The subjects were randomly put into control and experimental groups. While the control group were taught through SAC, the experimental group experienced learning the English language through CTBL. The results are explored further in the article and the author discusses the probable causes for the results of the study, sheds light on the pedagogical implications, and suggests recommendations for further research.
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Purpose Of The Present Study

The purpose of the present study was to find out whether there is a difference between the Iranian senior college students who have been taught with CTBL and those who have been taught with SAC in regard to their language proficiency (vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and speaking)? This question of the efficacy of the two mentioned methods was likewise addressed to the target groups' different achievers’ language proficiency.

Based on this question, the null hypotheses were formulated as well.

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