The Influence of Social Marketing Drives on Customer Satisfaction via Demographic Variables as Moderating Factors

The Influence of Social Marketing Drives on Customer Satisfaction via Demographic Variables as Moderating Factors

Rand H. Al-Dmour, Hani H. Al-Dmour, Eatedalameen Ahmadamin
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/IJEBR.319325
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The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of social media marketing tactics—such as advantageous campaigns, relevant content, popular content, and presence on multiple platforms—on customer satisfaction in travel and tourism offices in Jordan. The study also explores how demographic variables like age, sex, education, and income influence this relationship. The results confirmed that social media marketing drives are positively related to customer satisfaction. The findings showed that all the drives—advantageous campaigns, relevant content, popular content, and presence on multiple social media platforms—have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. The results also suggest that demographic variables like age, sex, education, and income moderate the relationship between social media marketing drives and customer satisfaction, implying that the effect of these drives on customer satisfaction may vary based on demographic factors.
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2. The Importance Of Use Social Media Platforms By Travel And Tourism Sector In Jordan

Travel and tourism industry is a major contributor to the global economy and has become increasingly important for many countries, including Jordan. Industry provides a significant source of income, employment, and economic growth, making it crucial for many countries to promote and support the sector. This paper aims to provide an overview of the importance of travel and tourism in Jordan and its impact on the country's economy and society. According to a report by the World Travel & Tourism Council (2021), travel and tourism in Jordan contributed to around 9.4% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2020, providing significant employment opportunities and generating income for the country.

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